Top 5 Herbal Remedies For STDS


Herbal Remedies For STDS

STD or Sexually Transmitted Diseases are known as a medical crisis where the men’s or women’s sexual organs are affected caused by penetrative sex or sexual intercourse leading to a bacterial or viral infection in their sexual organ which spreads through different other parts later on as well.

Though there are a lot of inorganic medicines out in the market as a cure for this, herbal remedies should always be the first choice and should be considered as one of the most effective and prolonged remedies for hand tremors. Moreover artificial remedies tend to have a lot of side effects and hence its preferable to go for the herbal remedies. There are 5 good natural herbs considered as the most useful and easily affordable remedies for STDs.

Various Herbal Remedies For STDs

1. Garlic

Garlic contains a very effective component named as allicin which is very good anti-bacterial and anti-viral reagent. Anti inflammatory quality of garlic also externally gives relief to the patient by soothing the swelling in the affected organs. Garlic can fight against any kind of STD infection and it is one of the cheapest easiest things to get.One can consume garlic as per their capability as it is completely natural and doesn’t have much of a side effect. Garlic is available as tablets and capsules as well. So one can easily get these from the market and stay free of any kind of infections.


2. Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is one of the most easily available herbs that helps sustain against STDs. Generally milk thistle extracts are derived from its seeds. The main active component present in milk thistle extract is silymarin.

Silymarin is experimentally proved to be a good fighter against a few STDs caused by certain type of parasites. Milk thistle extract is available in both capsules and stain. Usual dosage is 400 mg of milk thistle 3 to 4 times a day to fight against the parasites and strengthen the immunity system of the body.

Milk Thistle

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3. Licorice Root

Licorice is a very widespread natural herb which is effectively used as the medicine for numerous diseases. The most important healing component of licorice is glycyrrhetinic acid present in the roots of the plants.The extract containing this component extensively works on the body immunity system to improve its functioning resulting in a much more resistance in the body which already affected detrimentally by the infection. However, experts suggest not using licorine more than 6 weeks at a stretch because of its prolonged and awful side-effects.

Licorice Root

4. Lemon Balm

Lemon herb is yet another very popular medicine widely accepted as a cure for especially viral STDs. Different types of gels and creams are manufactured from lemon balm. This creams, lotions and gels are used in the treatment of viral infections in the sexual organs.This is normally used directly on the infected organs 3-4 times a day as per the instruction of the physician. Lemon balm helps the inflammation to stay under control and protect the spots from rashes and other painful swell. These products are easily gettable in any medical stores.

Lemon Balm

5. Echinacea

This is species of daisy flower family and commonly known as coneflowers. This is also used as a useful medication against STD infections.The function this is to boost up the hormonal functioning of our body and thus enhance the immunity system of the body. Daily usage of Echinacea supplements keeps the immunity intact and the inflammation of the affected organs under control.
