8 Natural Remedies For Curing Parasites

8 Natural Remedies For Curing Parasites

The intestinal parasites are the family of helminthes that comes under the class protozoa. The most common types of parasites are the tape worms and round worms. They cause severe pains in the human body and are commonly found in case of children. They normally cause different types of health issues like diarrhea, gas, nausea, fatigues and passing worms in the feces form. Doctors usually prescribe anti-biotic in this type of events, but there are a lot of home remedies and natural care available for this type of disorder and that can also performed from the home.

Here Are Some Natural Treatments For Curing Parasites:


From the research it has been found that Goldenseal contains anti-infective properties such as beta-hydrastine, berberine and canadine. These constituents are helpful in any types of mucosal infection in the body. The patient should take Goldenseal juice or tea three times a day for effective outcomes. The liquid extract of this plant should be taken for any types of infections caused due to Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia.


Olive Oil

This oil acts as a lubricant and helps to relieve the pain when used in a correct manner. Slight amount of olive oil should be drunk directly to kill these parasites. On the other hand olive leaves should be combined with some amount of oregano leaves to make a mixture. Then this mixture should be drunk 2 times a day along with some honey for easy intake to kill these worms.

Olive Oil


The analgesic, anti-oxidant as well as the antibiotic property is quite helpful in fighting the parasites of the body. A few cloves of garlic mix with sesame oil and then it is boiled for a few minutes. Then it is advised to get hold of this mixture, 2 times a day to kill these germs.


Aloe Vera

The patient needs to drink plenty of water regularly to minimize the hydration. Some new leaves of Aloe Vera plant are to be mixed with garlic to create a gel. Then this extract should be taken at least two times a day to inhibit the growth of these protozoa. The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal property helps to fight the worms and soothe the infections.

Aloe Vera


This herb is very useful in removing the feminine bodily hormone from the body i.e. the progesterone. This should be used while cooking the vegetables on a daily basis to get improvisation. A pinch of asafetida should be taken directly with water to enhance the immune system. Moreover the patient can mix some ghee and buttermilk with this product and should take 3 teaspoons of this to get results.


Coconut Oil

The ingredients of the coconut oil are rich source of vitamin E, which helps a lot to remove the forensic particles from the body. The affected person should take one tablespoon of fresh coconut with a tablespoon of castor oil in the empty stomach during the morning periods for effective results. This procedure should be executed followed by morning breakfast. Castor oil should be avoided in cases of children below 5 years of age and pregnant women.

Coconut Oil


The root of this plant contains immune-boosting properties. The patients need to take two pills of this supplement to get better results. On the other hand the liquid extract of this root is to be mixed with honey and the patient can take it directly thrice a day to generate optimum results.



One can make juice of the tomatoes and should drink the drink the juice with adding some amount of pepper and lemon juice. This juice needs to drink in the empty stomach to kill any foreign particles from the body.

Tomato Juice