9 Diet For Mouth Ulcer


Diet For Mouth Ulcer

Mouth ulcers are basically open lesions or sores that originate inside the mouth due to a number of condition such as infections, cancer, abrasion and damage caused due to dentures or braces, immune system problems and self-inflicted bites. Since they are difficult to see for the patient themselves, they are usually discovered when people experience discomfort inside their mouth, and exploring their mouth with their tongue or fingertips can confirm their existence. In most cases, the condition is not serious and can be effectively cured by taking the right kind of diet that helps in healing of mouth ulcers.

Foods To Enjoy When You Have Mouth Ulcers

Cold beverages and foods have been found to be quite soothing for painful mouth ulcers. Cooking vegetables and fruits tends to reduce their abrasive qualities, making it easier for people with mouth ulcers to eat them. Besides this, frozen and fresh foods are also considered to be beneficial as they contain less amount of acid in comparison to canned foods.

Besides this, these foods also contain lesser salt than the processed foods. Unseasoned meats as well as grain dishes contain very little acid content and have a neutral pH level, making it beneficial for mouth ulcer sufferers. Besides this, sipping cold milk, iced tea and ice water while taking meals helps in washing away the irritants and debris from the foods, thus providing temporary relief.

Diet Recommendation For Mouth Ulcers

The best diet for mouth ulcers that can be quite helpful for treating the condition comprises of the following components.


Apples are one of the best foods for mouth ulcers as they contain antibacterial properties and help in treating the condition effectively. Bananas help in preventing gastric ulcers and work as protectants for the internal mucosa. Similarly, citrus fruits like pineapple help in curing mouth ulcers as well due to the presence of vitamin C. Not only this, these fruits also help to improve digestion and are anti-inflammatory as well.



Consuming yogurt in abundant amounts is beneficial for patients of mouth ulcer as it contains acidophilus bacteria that have the capability to cure as well as prevent canker sores.


Vitamin B

Deficiency of B vitamins in the body can result in mouth ulcers as well as a number of other disorders such as fatigue, mania, anemia and depression.Therefore, it is very important to include foods rich in Vitamin B such as fish eggs, oysters, meat, eggs, rice milk and soy milk in your daily diet to treat mouth ulcers.

Vitamin B


Iron has also been found to be extremely effective for curing mouth ulcers besides strengthening the muscles and bones. In order to stay healthy, iron rich foods like beef, chicken liver, spinach, oysters, ham, cereals, turkey, potato, pumpkin, wheat gram, broccoli and eggs are very beneficial.


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6 Ideas To Treat Mouth Ulcers

Folic Acid

Since stomatitis and mouth ulcers are recurring conditions, they can be effectively prevented by adding folic acid to your diet.Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, asparagus, turnip greens, collard greens and green peas do the task very well. In the same way, papaya, beans, banana, grapefruit and pineapple also help to cure mouth ulcers.

Folic Acid

Coconut Water

Though coconut water is not considered to be a food, but it has wonderful healing properties. Simply drink coconut water in abundant amounts to treat the problem of mouth ulcers. Not only this, coconut water also helps to soothe stomatitis inflammation as well as prevents recurrence of the ulcers.

Coconut Water

Foods To Limit

Most of the vegetables and fruits that contain abundant amounts of nutrients help in supporting the immune system. However, many of these fruits and vegetables also contain acids, which can make the condition a lot worse and add to the discomfort. Therefore, it is recommend to consume such foods in moderate amounts till the symptoms subside. The vegetables and fruits that should be taken in moderation include apples, mangoes, apricots, oranges, nectarines, pears, peaches, plums, tomatoes and berries.


Besides this, sauces, juices and preserves irritate the digestive system a lot more than fresh fruits. It is important for people suffering from mouth ulcers to limit their sugar intake as the bacteria present in the mouth ferments them and produces acids that delay the healing of mouth ulcers as well as cause tooth decay.

Foods To Avoid Completely

Salty and heavily spices foods such as curries or pretzels cause a stinging sensation in the mouth sores. Highly acidic fruits like lemon, lime, grapefruit, pineapples and pomegranates have the same effect. Besides this, foods with vinegar and pickled foods must be avoided completely due to their high acidic content. Seeds and nuts also cause scraping and scratching of the mouth ulcers as they are abrasive and tend to leave tiny hard particles behind.