5 Herbal Remedies For Anorexia


Anorexia is an eating disorder commonly found in children and adolescent girls. It relates to loss of appetite because of anxiety and nervousness. It initiates as a psychological disorder which is self induced, the need to be slim and attractive is the main reason why most women are affected by anorexia.


The whole cycle begins from reducing the intake of food which results in a stage where the woman consumes no food at all. This leads to body weakness and lack of immunity which in turn, gives birth to diseases. This problem can be fatal if not treated at an early stage. Though there are a few remedies with the help of which you can get rid of this problem, but it is better to opt for the herbal remedies as they are without any side effect.

Herbal Remedies For Anorexia


Garlic controls hunger and cleanses the system. It has many antibiotic properties which fight many diseases. It stimulates the juices of the digestive system which induces hunger. 4 to 5 cloves of garlic should be crushed and added to soups, broths and other concoctions. Crushed garlic can also be added to boiling water, this mixture should be cooled before drinking.



Asafetida is another excellent herb to solve problems related to anorexia. Anorexics should have asafetida with pure ghee (clarified butter). This mixture is a time tested grandma’s remedy and works for everybody.

Asafetida can be easily found in the grocery store of India. It is a popular spice in the South Asian region. Using this remedy has yielded fruitful results and is worth a try.


4 Home Remedies For Anorexia
7 Superb Home Remedies For Anorexia


Not only is mint a natural coolant with a strong, powerful and fresh flavor, but it also works as an appetizer. The fact that it is easily available and very reasonably priced makes it a very good herbal remedy to solve anorexia problems.

Two teaspoons of mint juice should be taken early in the morning to induce hunger. It shows a sharp increase in appetite within a few days if you consume it on the regular basis without any fail.


Black Pepper  

Freshly ground black pepper should be mixed with powdered thyme, powdered seeds of cardamom, dried mint powder or asafetida powder. Half a teaspoon of this mixture should be boiled in a cup of water till the water reduces to one fourth of its original quantity.

Now this decoction should be mixed with honey and given to the person suffering from anorexia. This remedy is particularly effective for children and infants. However in the case of infants, the quantities of the herbs need to be reduced to a pinch.

Black Pepper


Thyme is another very effective herb which induces food craving. Thyme mixed with jaggery should be consumed because this naturally de-worms a person.


Worms can be one of the major causes of anorexia as well as listless behaviors in terms of food.  This remedy need to be given a try to avail fruitful results. However, you have to take this remedy in the given manner on a daily basis in order to get positive result.