5 Best Food That Cure Cold Sores


Best Food That Cure Cold Sores

Cold sores are fluid filled blisters that are caused by the herpes simplex virus and can affect children as well as adults. These blisters generally appear around the eyes, lips and genitals. Cold sores generally go away on their own, but can get inflamed and cause a lot of pain while they last.

Cold sores in the lips and mouth can make it very difficult to eat normally and cause a lot of discomfort. They can also cause symptoms like itching, swollen glands and ulcers in the mouth. Cold sores are quite contagious and can spread from infected body fluids. Diet plays a very important role in the treatment and prevention of cold sores. If you keep suffering from cold sores often, consuming certain foods can help cure this condition. Also, while you have an infection, these foods will provide quicker healing. Given here are some of the best foods that you should include in your daily diet in order to cure cold sores.

Food To Cure Cold Sores

1. Yogurt

Yogurt is very soothing to consume when you are suffering from cold sores. Eating other foods can be difficult, but yogurt can be very cooling and provide relief from the pain due to the blisters and ulcers in the mouth.It is rich in lysine which can help cure cold sores effectively. So, have two to three bowls of fresh yogurt daily.


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2. Oranges

Oranges are one of the best sources of vitamin C which helps your body to heal faster. Regular consumption of oranges will also help strengthen your immune system.You can also have orange juice regularly as this will help prevent further recurrences of cold sores. Other vitamin C rich foods like lemons and tomatoes will also be useful in curing cold sores.


3. Apples

Apples contain a substance called quercetin that belongs to the bioflavinoid group and helps to inhibit the activity of viruses in our body.This can also be very effective in preventing the replication of herpes simplex virus that causes cold sores. So, eat one or two apples everyday if you are suffering from cold sores. Make sure you have it along with its peels.


4. Broccoli

If you are suffering from cold sores, broccoli is another good food for you. It is also rich in vitamin C and possesses antiviral and antibacterial properties that will help in curing the blisters and will also prevent them from getting infected.It is best to have broccoli raw or slightly steamed as cooking it can destroy many of its useful properties. It is best to have it as a salad daily.


5. Salmon

Another healthy food that can be included in your daily diet is salmon. This oily fish contains high amounts of omega3 fatty acids that help reduce inflammation in the body. This can provide quicker healing of the cold sores.Salmon and other sea foods contain vitamin B12 which plays an important role in the production of red blood cells and in the growth of nerve cells. Regular consumption of salmon, or other sea food, can help prevent cold sores. You can bake and have it for the necessary nutrition.
