Vitamin D: Uses and Benefits


Our diet plays a huge role in determining our health and state of the body. What we eat hugely impacts our body, which is why it is of utmost importance to carefully select the best produce and food items. A deficiency of any of the vital nutrients for the body can cause many illnesses, sometimes even severe and life-threatening ones.

Vitamin D

Our body needs a constant supply of energy, and also needs a few additional substances for the maintenance Our diet plays a huge role in determining our health and state of the body. What we eat hugely impacts our body, which is why it is of utmost importance to carefully select the best produce and food items. A deficiency of any of the vital nutrients for the body can cause many illnesses, sometimes even severe and life-threatening ones.

Our body needs a constant supply of energy, and also needs a few additional substances for the maintenance and repair of the body. Vitamins, minerals and certain elements, when not present in adequate amounts, can lead to severe malfunctions and organ failure. Of all the vitamins and minerals, vitamin D is probably the most important vitamin as it is concerned with a wide variety of function. Listed below are some common uses and benefits of vitamin D.

Uses of vitamin D

Vitamin D is available in many forms. Sunlight is the best natural source of vitamin D. Here are a few uses of vitamin D.

For Musculoskeletal Growth

Vitamin D is needed by the body for proper functioning of the muscular and skeletal system. It is crucial for the absorption of calcium and phosphorous by the body, which ultimately helps in maintaining the bone mineral density and preventing many bone degenerative diseases like osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

Musculoskeletal Growth

Other Uses

Some studies also suggest that vitamin D is needed to maintain proper body weight. Osteomalacia, a disorder causing weakness of muscle and bones, is thought to be prevented by taking vitamin D supplements. Vitamin D is also necessary to maintain a strong immune system.

Benefits of Vitamin D

Vitamin D has many health benefits. Listed below are a few of them.

Regulates Immune System

Proper functioning of the immune system is largely dependent on the vitamin D levels in the body. Autoimmune diseases are thought to be prevented by regular supplementation of vitamin D.

Regulates Immune System

For Skin Health

Vitamin D, in different forms like calcitrol, when applied directly to the skin, can prevent some particular types of psoriasis. Furthermore, some people have also experienced benefits after using vitamin D supplements to treat skin conditions like lupus vulgaris, scleroderma, vitiligo, actinic keratosis and more.

To Prevent Cancer

Vitamin D is known to play a major role in cancer prevention. People having adequate vitamin D levels are known to be at a much lesser risk of developing cancer. Also, it is thought to protect the body from different levels of radiations. It strengthens the immunity, preventing the formation of cancerous tumors and slowing down its spread to other areas of the body.

Prevent Cancer

Other Benefits

Since vitamin D is concerned with the regulation of calcium and phosphorous levels in the body, many calcium and phosphorous deficiency diseases can be treated effectively by taking vitamin D supplements. Many heart conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other conditions like diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, premenstrual syndrome, tooth and gum disease, muscle weakness, obesity, asthma and bronchitis are also known to be treated by supplementation with vitamin D.

Other Benefits