6 Home Remedies For Diabetes


Diabetes is a very common, but an acute health syndrome. Usually it is of two types i.e. type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is uncontrollable increase in the blood sugar level. On the other hand, type 2 diabetes is a lifelong health disorder which is characterized by insulin resistance in the body.


Most common causes of type-2 diabetes are obesity and zero physical work. The most common causes of type-1 diabetes are auto-immune deficiency, hereditary diabetes syndrome, enteric viruses and pancreatic mal-functioning or destruction. However, certain home remedies can control diabetes to a great extent. The insulin level is always kept under control by some home remedies, which is why they are so effective in keeping diabetes under control. Home remedies are very safe for human consumption. Therefore, they can be used without having the fear of developing any serious side-effect.

Best Home Remedies For Diabetes


Onion is a very powerful and effective home remedy for diabetes mellitus. It contains quercetin and sulfur compounds. On the one hand, sulfur compounds are strong anti-microbial compounds. On the other hand, quercetin is a strong flavanoid that reduces every kind of inflammation. These two ingredients in onion make it an effective home remedy against type 2 diabetes.

The insulin production is triggered in the pancreas by sulfur compounds and quercetin reduces inflammation in the intestines. Reduced inflammation helps the blood in using insulin for the purpose of glucose breakdown. This process decreases the un-necessary accumulation of glucose in the blood. Hence, onion juice forms one of the best home remedies for diabetes mellitus. However, people suffering from type 1 diabetes should not use this home remedy.



Garlic is yet another powerful home remedy for the people suffering from type 2 diabetes. Garlic contains such ingredients that boost the immune system of the body. It is for this reason that garlic helps ease the problems faced by suffering from diabetes. The blood sugar level comes under control, since garlic contains allicin. Allicin is a sulfur compound that helps the pancreas in producing insulin. Additionally, it also maintains the insulin level by restricting it to the desired amount. This helps in the breakdown of blood glucose. Hence, the blood sugar level stays under control.


Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a popular home remedy for diabetes. It contains acetic acid, certain vitamins, minerals and a couple of body friendly enzymes. Out of the lot, acetic acid is the key element that helps in controlling diabetes mellitus. Acetic acid is a natural body cleaner. Over a span of time, various toxins accumulate within the gut and abdominal cavity. They reduce the metabolic rate.

Reduced metabolic rate means reduced carbohydrate breakdown. Thus, apple cider vinegar, which contains acetic acid, helps in cleaning the toxins. Once the toxins are cleared, the metabolic rate increases. Simultaneously, the carbohydrate metabolism also gets triggered. Hence, glucose does not stagnate in the blood. Nevertheless, sugar level in the blood stays under control. Therefore, apple cider vinegar is used by the people suffering from diabetes mellitus.

Apple Cider Vinegar


Water is a very safe and easy home remedy for type 1 and type 2 diabetic people, both. Accumulation of high glucose content in the blood results in dehydration. The blood gets thicker, which worsens the situation. Moreover, water is also a preventive remedy for diabetes, alongside being a diabetic controller remedy. People who drink sufficient amount of water are less likely to develop diabetes than those who consume less water.

Increased blood sugar level forces the body to spruce water from the nearby body cells and tissues, which leads to other health problems. Hence, drinking water hydrates the tissues, cells and other body parts. The blood regains its speed of flow. Thus, sugar gets a chance to reach for various cells and tissues in the body via blood. It increases the metabolic rate to an extent. Water also keeps the body clean of toxins. This further enhances metabolism. Therefore, consuming water is yet another preventive and controlling home remedy for diabetes.



Lemon contains vitamin C and body soluble fibers in abundance. This makes lemon an effective home remedy for diabetes. Vitamin C works like a toxin cleaner in the body. This triggers the metabolic rate. Consequently, the carbohydrate metabolism also increases. As a result, excess glucose in the blood breaks down.

On the other hand, body soluble fibers improve digestion. Improved digestion lowers the problem of reduced metabolism. This works very much the same way in reducing excess glucose in the blood as Vitamin C does. Thus, lemon offers dual benefits of keeping the blood sugar level under control. However, research by now has proved that lemon is an effective cure for people suffering from diabetes mellitus only.



Very strange, but a spice named turmeric is the best home remedy for diabetes. This is because; it not just keeps the glucose level under control, it is also known to cure diabetes completely. All these benefits in turmeric are an outcome of Curcumin, the active ingredient present in turmeric. Curcumin is an anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic and anti-biotic agent. Therefore, it has the healing power of clearing the body toxins and killing the infection causing microbes that cause improper digestion.

Improper digestion slows down the metabolic rate. Apparently, Curcumin can also regenerate new and healthy cells and tissues in the pancreas and liver. This is the main reason behind the diabetes curing property of turmeric. The healthy cells automatically produce insulin in desired amount. Nevertheless, this is a sure-shot solution for the people suffering from diabetes.

However, diabetes is a very acute health disorder. It can even lead to death and various other disorders like heart attacks, increased blood pressure, decreased blood pressure and much more. Moreover, diabetes may sometimes be an indication of severe generic disorders like Cushing syndrome, somatostatinoma etc. Hence, it becomes obligatory to consult a doctor in diabetes.

You may use the home remedies for long term relief. Though, medical aid remains the primary treatment for diabetes. Certain home remedies like apple cider vinegar should not be over-consumed. This is because; over-consumption can possibly cause side-effects. Certain other powerful and effective home remedies for diabetes are bitter fruits and food items, drinking sugar free black coffee, consuming honey in place of sugar, avoiding junk food, yoga, mild walking exercises to boost physical health, yogurt, spinach, coconut, tomato, cucumber, marrow and cinnamon.
