Omega 3 And Omega 6 Fatty Acids Effects On Health


A good awareness is now spreading rapidly through common man regarding proper diet and intake of particular nutrients to maintain optimum health. A deficiency of any of the essential nutrients can be harmful to the body and hamper its functioning.

Omega 3

Vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients ensure that the body organs are functioning to their optimum levels and also boost immunity to prevent the body against infectious diseases. Omega 3 fatty acid is already known for its excellent heart and brain boosting abilities; another form of omega fatty acid-the omega 6 fatty acid is now gaining increased importance in the field of healthcare. Read below to find out how these fatty acids can help bring about health and wellness.

Effects of Omega 3 Fatty Acids Effects On Health

Listed below are a few health benefits of supplementing your diet with omega 3 fatty acids.

Prevents Cardiovascular Diseases

Omega 3 fatty acids are responsible for maintenance of optimum heart health. It is known to prevent a wide range of cardiovascular diseases including myocardial infarction, stroke, sudden cardiac death and more. It is also known to decrease the LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol, which is the ‘bad’ cholesterol that contributes to clogging up of arteries of the heart.

This is why omega 3 fatty acids are a must for heart patients suffering from arthrosclerosis. They are also thought to stimulate breakdown of fibrin, a substance that causes clot formation, thus stimulating blood circulation and keeping the heart healthy.

Prevents Cardiovascular Diseases

Has Anti-inflammatory Activity

The anti inflammatory activity of omega 3 fatty acids is well known. This amazing supplement has proved to be beneficial to patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and other degenerative conditions involving inflammation.

Has Anti-inflammatory Activity

Aids Developmental Disorders

New studies and evidences suggest that omega 3 fatty acids may help control children suffering from different developmental disorders including ADHD and autism.Many psychiatric disorders can be cured efficiently by supplementing the diet with omega 3 fatty acids. Cognitive ageing of the brain is also thought to be slowed down by proper intake of omega 3 fatty acids.

Aids Developmental Disorders

Effects of Omega 6 Fatty Acids Effects On Health

Though there are many studies still being carried out to find out more and more health benefits of consuming omega 6 fatty acids, a few benefits of consuming this fatty acid is already known. Read below to find how it impacts your health.


Omega 6 fatty acids have now established their importance as precursors. Prostaglandins and other physiologically active molecules require certain precursors for their development and for them to function properly and aid the body in its growth and functions. Omega 6 fatty acids are the best precursors to these essential molecules.

Also Read

Benefits Of Omega 3 Fats For Heart Health
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Other Effects

Omega 6 fatty acids are also thought to aid hair growth and maintenance of proper skin tone and skin health.Though these studies are not fully supported, but in the future, we may list down many health benefits of consuming omega 6 fatty acids. Also, regular consumption of this essential nutrient is thought to reduce allergies.

Other Effects