Top 10 Home Remedies For Foot Fungus


Top 10 Home Remedies For Foot Fungus

Foot fungus can be an embarrassing problem to tackle and can lead to more serious conditions if not treated properly in time. It is a highly infectious and can easily spread to other areas of the body via direct contact.

And though there are several medications that can get rid of the disease, certain home remedies can provide relief from mild cases of foot fungus and their symptoms. Given below are some of the most common home remedies prescribed for foot fungus.

Note: It would be considered wise to check with a doctor before opting for these home remedies, especially if you are taking medications for the same.

Home Remedies For Foot Fungus

1. White Vinegar

Considered to be one of the most common home remedies for any type of skin related fungal infection, white vinegar can effectively get rid of foot fungus and its symptoms.Soaking the infected area in a solution of white vinegar and water (mixed in the ratio 1:4) for about 15-20 minutes at least twice every day can get rid of the infection quickly [1].

Note: The infected area needs to be rinsed with warm water afterwards.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

A potent anti-inflammatory agent, apple cider vinegar can easily get rid of the infection causing the foot fungus. Apple cider vinegar needs to be diluted with some water first (1:4) ratio. The infected foot needs to be soaked in this solution for about 20 minutes twice every day. This would effectively treat foot fungus and provide immense relief from its symptoms [2].

Note: Washing the foot with lemon juice and warm water afterwards would speed up the recovery process.

3. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil also contains antibacterial properties that can kick out the bacteria causing the foot fungus. The best way to use this remedy for the condition is to apply a few drops of the oil (using a filler) directly on the infected region.

A cotton ball soaked in tea tree oil can also be placed on the infected region for about 20 minutes. Better yet, soaking the infected region in a solution of tea tree oil and hot water (a few drops of tea tree oil added to a tub of hot water) for about 20 minutes every day can provide immense relief from the symptoms of foot fungus, and cure the condition within a few weeks [3].

4. Listerine Mouth Wash

The regular mouthwash that is available in stores can easily be used as an effective home remedy for the treatment of foot fungus. Listerine contains antibacterial properties that would help eradicate the bacteria and virus causing the fungal infection. It also contains antiseptic properties that would promote quick recovery following a foot fungal infection.

Soaking the infected area in Listerine for about 20 minutes every day can be considered very effective for the treatment of foot fungus. Scrubbing the foot with a soft scrub while soaking it can also provide relief from symptoms like itching and irritation [4].

5. Baking Soda

A common ingredient in most kitchens, baking soda can be used to treat a number of bacterial and viral infections, including foot fungus. The powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties of the ingredient would get rid of the pathogens causing the infection, and quicken the recovery process significantly. An appropriate home remedy for foot fungus using baking soda involves adding baking soda (one cup), Epsom salts (one cup) and hydrogen peroxide (half cup) to lukewarm water (at least 4 cups) [5].

Soaking the infected region in this solution for about 20 minutes every day can treat foot fungus quickly and effectively. A few drops of this solution can also be applied to the infected region using a cotton ball or filler. Doing this at least thrice a day would get rid of the infection quickly and provide relief from its symptoms.

Read More:

6 Effective Home Remedies For Foot Fungus
10 Home Remedies For Skin Fungus
Top 5 Herbal Remedies For Foot Fungus

6. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil contains medicinal properties that can be very effective in treating foot fungus. Although the oil cannot be applied directly on the skin (it would cause a burning sensation), it can be diluted with oregano oil in equal quantities before being applied to the infected region. A cotton ball can be soaked in this oil mix, and then placed on the infected region for about 30 minutes for relief. Following this remedy at least thrice a day for a week or so can effectively treat foot fungus [6].

7. Garlic

Garlic contains antifungal properties that can treat many kinds of viral and bacterial infections in the body. And it can be used to treat foot fungus as well. Crushing a few garlic cloves and applying the paste on the infected region can get rid of the infection, and provide relief from its symptoms.Eating a few cloves of raw garlic every day can also treat the infection internally. A few drops of garlic oil can also be applied on the infected region every day for quick results [7].

8. Orange Oil

Like lavender oil, purified orange oil contains antibacterial properties that can aid in treating foot fungus. And like lavender oil, orange oil cannot be applied directly on the skin (it would cause the same side effects as the former). One would need to dilute it beforehand with grape seed oil or any other carrier oil. Applying this oil mix on the infected region with the help of a filler or cotton ball at least thrice a day can prove to be very beneficial in the treatment of foot fungus [8].

9. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice contains antibiotic properties that can aid in getting rid of the pathogens causing the foot fungus, and promote quick recovery from the same. Pure lemon juice (obtained by squeezing a lemon) can be applied to the infected region at regular intervals throughout the day to speed up the recovery process.Lemon juice can also be mixed with essential oils when applied to the infected region. This would treat the infection quickly and provide significant relief from its symptoms [9].

10. Aspirin Foot Powder

Drying your feet after washing them is considered very important when treating foot fungus. And keeping the feet dry for longer intervals is also considered important, although it would be a tough task for individuals who sweat excessively. In these cases, applying some powder on the infected region after drying it can keep the area dry and clean for longer intervals, thereby preventing the infection from aggravating or spreading to other areas of the body [10].

Aspirin Foot Powder

And Aspirin can be considered as a good ingredient for the same. Crushing a few Aspirin tablets to form a powder, and applying that powder on the infected region can keep the area clean and moisture free for extended periods. Opting to dust the feet with this powder before wearing socks and shoes would also prevent excessive sweating, and contain the foot fungus in the process.