


Throat pain is also known as ‘’Sore Throat’’. Throat pain results from a bacterial or viral infection. Common causes of throat pain include cough, tonsils, measles and so on. Smoking and consumption of tobacco may also result in throat pain.

Throat Pain

Common symptoms of throat pain include blood secretion in saliva, difficulty in swallowing the food or breathing, throat hoarseness, fever and so on. Home remedies can be used to treat the problem of throat pain.

Best Home Remedies For Throat Pain

Warm Fluids

You can consume a cup of warm tea or a bowl of warm soup to deal with the problem of throat pain. Intake of warm milk or warm water can also help in reducing the throat pain.

Warm Fluids


You can chew garlic (2 – 3 cloves) with honey (1 teaspoon) to treat throat pain. You can also prepare a tonic by mixing finely crushed garlic cloves in warm water. Gargling with this tonic can help in curing the throat pain.




The problem of throat pain can be treated with the use of salt. You can gargle with a mixture of warm water and salt 2 to 3 times in a day to reduce the hoarseness resulting from throat pain.


Turmeric Powder

You can create a tonic with the use of turmeric powder (1 teaspoon) and warm water (1 cup) and gargle with this tonic on a daily basis to deal with the problem of throat pain. You can also consume a glass of lukewarm milk containing turmeric powder to obtain relief from throat pain.

Turmeric Powder

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Apple Cider Vinegar


You can create a mixture with the use of apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon), honey (1 tablespoon), salt (1 teaspoon) and water (2 cups). Intake of this mixture (2 – 3 teaspoons) 4 to 5 times in a day can help in treating various symptoms associated with throat pain.

Apple Cider Vinegar


Ginger is considered as one of the most effective home remedies for treating throat pain. You can consume dry ginger powder (1 teaspoon) with warm water (1 glass) to cure throat pain. You can also consume a tonic prepared with ginger juice (2 – 3 teaspoons), honey (1 teaspoon) and warm water (1 cup) multiple times in a day. Intake of ginger tea 2 to 3 times in a day is also recommended.


Cayenne Pepper


You can create a tonic by boiling cayenne pepper (1/2 teaspoon) in water (1 cup). Gargling with this tonic 2 to 3 times in a day can help in obtaining relief from throat pain.

Cayenne Pepper


You can prepare a tonic by boiling pomegranate peel in water. Intake of this tonic on a frequent basis can reduce throat pain. You can also gargle with grapefruit seed extract mixed in warm water 3 to 4 times on a daily basis to treat throat pain.


Mustard Seeds


You can create a mixture by boiling mustard seeds (2 teaspoons), lemon juice (1 teaspoon), honey (1 teaspoon), salt (1 teaspoon) in water (1 cup). Regular intake of this mixture can help in the treatment of throat pain.

Mustard Seeds

Basil Leaves

You can consume a tea prepared with basil leaves 2 to 3 times in a day to cure various symptoms associated with throat pain. You can also chew fresh basil leaves (4 – 5) with honey (1 teaspoon) on a daily basis to obtain effective results.

Basil Leaves