4 Home Remedies For Premature Gray Hair


4 Home Remedies For Premature Gray Hair

Premature graying of hair is one of the most common problems faced among the youths today. It is very natural for some hair strands to go gray and is not a serious problem that you should really be worried about.

However, it is definitely one of those issues that can adversely affect your appearance and look in public. Coloring the hair is not always a perfect solution to this problem. Hair colors available in the market have their own side effects attached and their chemicals can also lead to severe hair loss. Now since graying itself is a natural process, nothing better than getting a natural remedy to the same. There are various causes attached to premature gray hair including genetic factors, stress, improper eating habits, and lack of nutrients in the body, any form of illnesses or sudden decrease of melanin in the body. Here are the best researched and flawless home remedies you can adhere to-

Home Remedies For Premature Gray Hair

The Wonders Of Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

One of the best ways to treat the issue of graying is to apply and massage the hair with pure coconut oil everyday before going off to sleep. Make sure you wash clean the next morning. This will nourish the hair completely and also gradually treat the white hair that you so want to get rid of. Coconut oil can also be mixed with some drops of lemon juice for better and faster results. This remedy will give you that healthy and flawless hair you were always looking for.

Use Curry Leaves

These are one of those natural products that are very easily available in the market or a departmental store near you. The nutrients present in these work really well on graying hair as well as repairs the follicles of the hair. You can even eat them by putting them in various dishes across the day or else apply it on the scalp. All you have to do is boil in the curry leaves in good quality coconut oil till it turns black in shade. Now you apply this liquid along with the leaves evenly on the hair strands and leave it for a while before shampooing.

Use Curry Leaves

The Magic Of Indian Gooseberry

Indian Gooseberry is a miraculous natural product for not only graying hair but also if you want to increase the volume and length of the hair. For the application procedure first cut some pieces of gooseberry and dry them in the sun properly for a couple of days.Once they are completely dry, powder them finely in a mixer and store it in an air tight container. Now whenever you are planning to massage or nourish your hair with coconut oil, add 1-2 teaspoons of this powder in the liquid. Following it for some weeks will give you visible results.

The Magic Of Indian Gooseberry

Improve Your Eating Habits

Since one of the major causes of graying hair is improper eating and lack of nutrients, make sure you change your diet plan and include loads of nutrient rich foods and fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, drinking fresh fruits juices and at least 8-10 glasses of water will also help in keeping the hair healthy and avoiding problems of graying.

Improve Your Eating Habits