7 Home Remedies For Hair Growth


Though most of the people believe that hair growth is a natural phenomenon and there is no technique that can help in accelerating our hair growth, but the truth is that there are a number of home remedies that have been found to be extremely effective to make our hair grow at a much faster pace.

Hair Growth

These are age-old techniques that have been passed on from one generation to the other over several decades. Here are some great home remedies for boosting the growth of our hair.

Home Remedies For Hair Growth


Onions have been found to be extremely effective for improving the rate of growth of our hair. There are various ways of using onion to boost our hair growth. One such way is to mince an onion and add it to your regular shampoo. Allow the onion and shampoo mixture to stand for at least 15 days and then use this shampoo on a regular basis. This will help a lot in accelerating your hair growth and provide you will wonderfully shiny hair.

Another way of using onion for hair growth it to cut it in half and add it to a pot of boiling water. Also add two cinnamon sticks and flour garlic cloves to this water and boil for about 15 minutes. After this, rinse your hair using this infusion for at least 4 days at a stretch. This will help in improving the growth of your hair drastically.



This remedy has also been found to be quite effective for improving hair growth. Simply chop 1 jalapeno pepper and add the pieces along with half a cup of vodka in a ceramic cup.Allow this mixture to stand for 3-4 days and then strain the pepper pieces. Add few tablespoons of castor oil to this mixture and store in a bottle. Massage this oil on your scalp everyday before going to bed.


Coconut Milk

Massage the roots of your hair with coconut milk freshly extracted from a coconut. Let the milk remain in the hair for 15-20 minutes and then rinse off. Follow with a shampoo and conditioner as usual and you will find a huge difference in your hair growth.

Coconut Milk

Honey and Aloe Vera

This remedy has also been found to be quite effective in boosting hair growth. To use this remedy, cut 3-4 leaves of the Aloe Vera plant and scrape the gel from it. Mix honey to this gel and apply it all over the scalp. Leave it on for at least 20 minutes and then rinse off.

Honey and Aloe Vera

Potato Water

Whenever you cook potatoes, make sure to retain the water in which you cook it. Allow this water to cool down and then use it to rinse your hair. This remedy is also quite effective to accelerate hair growth.

Potato Water

Grapeseed Oil

Massage your hair and scalp using grapeseed oil on a regular basis each night to enhance the growth of your hair.

Grapeseed Oil

Birth Control Pills

Grind 4-5 birth control pills and add them in your daily use shampoo. This goes a long way in making your hair grow at a faster rate and also makes it healthier and thicker.

Birth Control Pills