6 Home Remedies For Bronchitis


6 Home Remedies For Bronchitis

Acute bronchitis is a viral disease caused due to the same virus that causes Home Remedies For Bronchitis common cold or the flu. The condition usually follows the flu or cold when the resistance of our body is down and the lungs are already irritated.

Besides this, anyone having a low immune resistance or suffering from chronic lung irritation caused due to cigarette smoking or exposure to any toxic gas is at a higher risk of bronchitis. The good news is that the condition can be cured by a large number of home remedies.

Home Remedies For Bronchitis

Humidify The Environment

Most people take various medications to avoid coughing during bronchitis, but the fact is that coughing is quite good for you. It is the natural process of the body to eliminate the infection that is causing the bronchitis. Therefore, instead of suppressing the cough with over-the-counter medications, add moisture to the air around you by using a cool and warm mist humidifier.This increased humidity will helps in bringing up the sputum and removing it from the body. Alternatively, you can also stand under a steamy shower or use the moist and warm air from the kettle to loosen and remove the phlegm.

Humidify The Environment

Drink Lots Of Liquids

Intake of abundant amounts of fluids would help in keeping the sputum fluid, thus making it easier to expel. It is not necessary to drink just water all the time; you can take any liquid including tea, coffee, soup or any other warm beverage. Besides this, warm drinks also help in soothing the throat that may become irritated due to constant coughing.

Drink Lots Of Liquids

Gargle With Warm Water

Gargling with warm water containing a little salt works as a great remedy for soothing the inflammation of the throat by cutting down the mucus coating. Add a teaspoon of salt into a glass full of warm water and gargle with it several times a day.

Gargle With Warm Water


Almonds are considered to be ‘cure-all’ nuts as they contain vitamins and other nutrients in large amounts and help us in fighting a number of disorders from sexual vitality to mental acuity.Almonds are rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium and are known for their great power to fight respiratory disorders. Eating almonds in any form while suffering from bronchitis can be extremely helpful.


Onions And Honey

This is another very effective remedy for fighting against the cough caused due to bronchitis. To use this remedy, slice onions and place them in a bowl and then cover  with honey.Allow them to stand as it is overnight and then remove the onion from the bowl. Intake of 1 teaspoon of this honey 3-4 times each day helps in curing the symptoms of bronchitis. This remedy is very helpful because onions work as great expectorants and thus, help the mucus to drain.

Onions And Honey


Lemons are also great for the respiratory system and help in getting rid of mucus and bacteria from the body. Simply prepare lemon tea by grating the rind of 1 lemon and adding it in a cup of boiling water. Steep this tea for about 5 minutes and then drink after straining. This helps the phlegm to loosen and get expelled from the body.
