7 Herbal Remedies For Asthma In Children


Herbal Remedies For Asthma In Children

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease. This problem is caused by factors such as viral infection, sinus or lung infection, allergic reaction, air pollution, humid climate and so on. Common symptoms include wheezing, coughing, difficulty in breathing, chest discomfort and so on.It may also result in weakness, loss of appetite, frequent headache and dark circles under the eyes. It is advisable for children suffering from asthma to carry an inhaler. The problem of asthma in children can be reduced with the use of below mentioned herbal remedies.

Herbal Remedies for Asthma In Children


Ginkgo For Asthma In Children

A throat spray can be created by adding the ginkgo tincture (1 teaspoon) to water (half cup) and poured in a spray bottle. Spraying this mixture directly in the mouth of a child can help in treating various symptoms.

This herb can also help in relaxing the muscles in the lungs and reducing the inflammation which may result in asthma attacks.


Chamomile Tea For Asthma In Children

Chamomile is also known as ’Chamomilla Recutita’’. Drinking tea (half cup) prepared by steeping dried chamomile flowers in the water can help a child to obtain relief from the discomfort associated with asthma. Honey (half teaspoon) can be added to this tea.A few drops of chamomile oil can be added to a bowl of hot water and used for inhaling the aroma. An infusion made with the use of chamomile, eyebright and lavender can also be consumed to obtain the desired results.


Basil For Asthma In Children

Basil has anti-asthmatic properties. Intake of the juice extracted from fresh basil leaves (2 teaspoons) with honey (2 teaspoons) can provide relief. A syrup can be prepared by boiling basil leaves, ginger and honey in water and consumed several times in a day to reduce the mucus which can cause asthma.Another alternative is to consume a tonic prepared by boiling basil leaves, crushed cloves, cardamom and aniseed in water 2 to 3 times in a day.


Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties. A glass of warm milk containing turmeric powder (1 teaspoon) can be consumed on a daily basis to treat various symptoms associated with asthma.Consumption of a mixture of turmeric powder and honey can also help a child to obtain relief.

Warm Milk Containing Turmeric Powder For Asthma

Licorice Root

Licorice root is frequently referred to as ‘’ Glycyrrhiza Glabra’’. Consumption of a tonic made by boiling the licorice root and ginger powder in water several times in a day can provide relief.Tea prepared with the use of licorice root can also be consumed by children to obtain the desired results.

Licorice Root For Asthma In Children

Caraway Seeds

Caraway seeds can be boiled in water. This water can be used for inhaling the steam to reduce the symptoms associated with asthma in children.A combination of caraway seeds and turmeric powder can also be consumed.

Caraway Seeds For Asthma

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera juice containing honey can be taken on a frequent basis. A tonic made by mixing aloe vera juice and turmeric powder with lukewarm water can also be consumed (empty stomach) in the morning.This process should be continued for a period of one month to obtain effective results.

Aloe Vera For Asthma