9 Home Remedies For Dark Circles

Home Remedies For Dark Circles
Dark circles are dark patches around the eyes and are quite a familiar beauty problem. This is because our eyes are surrounded by a very thin and delicate layer without any oil glands. This area, if not taken special care, can easily reflect the signs of stress, aging and other factors in the form of dark patches.

Certain other factors that cause dark circles are inadequate sleep, poor nutrition and deficiency of iron, allergies especially from dust or pollen, heredity, certain medications, hormonal imbalance, and even structure of the bone. Dark circles can easily take a toll on your overall beauty and may even undermine your self confidence. To get rid of dark circles you can try some simple effective home remedies some which can be obtained from your kitchen cabinet itself.

Home Remedies For Dark Circles


Cucumber For Dark Circles
Lie down and close your eyes. Put cumber slices on your closed eyes and keep in place for 5 to 10 minutes. It not only helps to eliminate dark circles but also lightens the skin around the eyes. Also, cucumber has a soothing and cool sensation that leaves your eyes relaxed and rejuvenated.

Therefore, you also use cucumber as a soothing agent for your stressed out eyes. It’s an excellent skin toner and astringent. Alternatively, you can also use cucumber juice. Grate fresh cucumber and squeeze out the juice from it. Soak two cotton balls in the juice and place them on your closed eyes. This remedy treats dark circles very effectively, relieving your eyes from tiredness.

Almond Oil And Honey

Honey For Dark Circles

When combined, honey and almond oil works great for lessening dark circles. Mix almond oil and honey in equal amount and apply it on the area under your eyes where these evil dark circles exist.Let it stay for 10 minutes and wash off. Almond oil has exfoliating properties that helps to activate the cells which tighten the skin around the eyes reducing the prominence of the veins that lends to the dark circles. Also, gently massage almond oil under your eyes before going to bed. A regular practice of this remedy gives excellent result in reducing dark circles.

Potato Lightens Dark Circles

Potato For Dark Circles

Potato acts as natural bleach. You can put potato slices on your eyes or apply potato juice with the help of cotton swabs directly onto the affected area. Keep the slices in place for at least 20 to 30 minutes. An application of peanut oil would be a great final touch. This natural bleaching agent helps to lighten dark circles very effectively.

Rose Water Reduces Dark Circles And Eye Puffiness

Pour six or more drops of rose water in cotton balls and apply to closed eyes. Do this for 15 minutes and rinse off. Rose water contains rejuvenating properties which not only lessens dark circles but also effectively reduces eye puffiness.

Rose Water For Dark Circles

Tea Bags

You need a used tea bag; green, white or black. Once the tea bag is cooled, lie down and place it under your eyes. You have to make sure that the tea bag sticks to the place at least for 10 minutes. Use a dry tea bag; if it is moist tea may get into your eyes causing irritation. Chamomile tea has anti-inflammatory properties that relieve puffiness of eyes as well as treats dark circles. So you may also use chamomile tea bags.

Tea Bags For Dark Circles

Diet To Treat Dark Circles Under Eyes

Consume fruits and vegetables that are high in Vitamin E. Vitamin E is essential to keep eyes healthy and treat dark circles caused by nutritional deficiencies. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water regularly. Water helps to keep your body clean of impurities which contribute in the treatment of dark circles.

Also, eat foods rich in Vitamin A and fruits that have high water content. Avoid dietary salts as they contribute to dark circles. Even smoking affects a lot. They cause fluid retention in the body which enlarge the blood vessels under the eyes and make them appear prominently. Prepare an excellent drink for dark circles by combining lemon juice, tomato juice, salt, and mint leaves together. This drink is also nutritionally beneficial. Eat foods rich in antioxidants such as green or black tea, cranberries, and onions.

Vitamin E Food For Dark Circles

Preventive Tips

Avoid prolonged exposure to sun. It may make the dark circles darker. If you are out in the sun do not forget to apply sunscreen above SPF 30.Dark circles in children are sometimes signs of allergy.If you suspect of any allergy, consult doctor and take precautions.Sleep well for 7 to 8 hours to get rid of dark circles caused due to stress. You may also practice meditation and yoga to keep dark circles and other ailments at bay.

Avoid Exposure To Sun For Dark Circles

Some Other Home Treatments For Dark Circles

Dab chilled water over your eyes. It also helps to treat under eye circles.
Cut fresh figs in half and place on the affected area for 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse off and apply peanut oil finally for great results.Crush few almonds and add few drops of milk to it. Now apply the paste on your dark circles and let it stay for some time. It is one of the very good home remedies for dark circles.Incorporate deep breathing exercises in your daily schedules. It would help you to cope with stress and oxiginate your body.

Chilled Water For Dark Circles


Preliminary studies have shown that application of Vitamin K helps to treat dark circles. Apply Vitamin K cream under your eyes before bed. You may also take dietary supplements like pycnogenol and grape seed extract.

They contain antioxidant pigments that strengthen the blood vessels around the eyes. But these medications should be taken under medical supervision. An Ayurvedic therapy like “Jal Neti” is also beneficial and can be practiced 5 times a week or you may also go for body detoxification to get rid of accumulated impurities.For maximum benefit take all the above mentioned factors into consideration and back them with constant use of home remedies. These easy to follow, side-effect free and inexpensive home remedies can do wonders if practiced with consistency.

Vitamin K Cream For Dark Circles