5 Herbal Remedies For Anti-Anxiety


Living in a state of anxiety has become the trend for today’s life, fears of losing our jobs (or not finding a new one), distressed personal relationships, tainted foods and medicines, buying a home, paying credit card bills, and a thousand other worries have made the world a hectic pace. Constant anxiety is dangerous on both a physical and emotional level and arrival of hundreds of new health diseases take place.


Therefore it is must to treat anxiety at the initial stage, there are many herbal remedies that can support relaxation and help regain balance. However, if you are a chronic patient of anxiety or if experiencing a high level of anxiety, you should seek a professional medical advice as that can be due to some other health reasons.

Best Herbal Remedies For Anti-Anxiety

Herbal Tea (Oat Tops, Reishi, Lemon Balm, Orange Peel)

This herbal tea is very effective on anxiety and supports relaxation, eases anxiety, and helps regain balance. It combines an adaptogen with calming herbs and is excellent for balancing anxiety instantly, while leaving you alert and functional.

Take four cups of water and bring to boil, add one teaspoon of reishi and boil at low flame till it turns one-third. Now add one teaspoon oat tops, two teaspoons lemon balm, one teaspoon orange peel, a pinch of stevia (instead of sugar), and boil for 10 minutes. Sip this herbal tea and see its soothing effect on your mind and body.

Herbal Tea


Catnip is a proven herbal remedy for anxiety since ancient times. This herb is a part of mint family, and treats various symptoms of anxiety including stomach cramps, spasms, and irritations.

It is also effective on reducing some of the headaches caused by insomnia, improve appetite, and eases muscle tension and stress in those with severe anxiety. Catnip is a gentle but potent sleep-inducer for humans that calms without affecting you the next day. A hot cup of catnip tea can give you relief from anxiety.


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Kava (also known as Kava Kava) is said to be the most effective herbal supplement for moderate and severe anxiety. Herbalists believe that Kava roots have been very effective on stress, anxiety, and insomnia. However, if you are an alcohol drinker or suffer from some liver problems, it is advised to not take this herb.

It is a mild sedative and can be intoxicating, therefore medical advice is recommended. Kava root powder can be made into a milky drink by mixing with one tablespoon of powder per cup of water, extract, capsules, or cut root can be added to herbal teas.



Passionflower has similar effects on anxiety like Kava, but this herb has no side effects. Herbalists have a high regard for the soothing properties of passionflower and recommend it as a general nerve tonic to treat nervous stress.It works best on mild to moderate anxiety, by reducing muscle tension and insomnia, calming the nerves to prevent agitation, mood swings, headaches, and hot flashes from anxiety.



Chamomile is a natural sedative; it is a safe and very effective herb for treating mild anxiety. It is used to calm nervousness, both in the mind and in the stomach.Sipping a cup of chamomile tea can relax your mind and body; reduce headaches, calm anxiety, and give you a sound sleep. You can also get its supplements at herbal medical stores.
