10 Excellent Home Remedies For Dislocations


Home Remedies For Dislocations The human body houses more than a couple of joints which are essentially used to join two bones. A joint dislocation is said to occur if the bones in a joint are forced out of their position, usually due to an injury to the area. Joint dislocations usually occur in the joints located in the shoulders, elbows, hip, knees and ankles, but can also occur in smaller areas like the thumbs, fingers or toes.A dislocated joint can cause excruciating pain, and can limit the movement in that area to a minimum. The dislocated joint would cease to function properly, and would swell up immediately. Severe cases of dislocations can also cause the tendons, ligaments and muscles in the area to tear repeatedly. Only proper rest and care (at least for a few days) would help it work properly again.

And along with that, there are a few home remedies that can help ease the pain and inflammation caused by the dislocated joint in addition to quickening the healing process. Given below are some of the more common home remedies often recommended for dislocations

Home Remedies For Dislocations

Keep Ice Compresses

Ice Compresses For Dislocations Placing an ice compress on the dislocated joint would reduce the pain and swelling caused by the injury quickly and effectively. You can use a bag of crushed ice, or wrap some ice cubes in a soft towel. Alternatively, you can also dip a soft towel in icy cold water and wrap it around the dislocated joint. Keep the cold compress on the injured joint for about 20 minutes, and repeat this remedy at least thrice a day for a couple of days until the injury heals.

Apply A Bag Of Frozen Peas

Apply A Bag Of Frozen Peas For Dislocations You can also opt to place a bag of frozen peas on the dislocated joint in order to curb the swelling. Massage the injured area gently with the bag for about 20 minutes. The frozen peas would provide a soothing rolling action that would relax the strained joint.

Eat More Garlic

Garlic For Dislocations Garlic is loaded with potent anti-inflammatory properties that would help control the swelling caused by dislocations. So make sure you eat plenty of garlic every day during the recovery period. You can opt to bite down and swallow a few cloves of raw garlic every day, or add it to the dishes that you cook. Doing so would keep the pain and inflammation under control, and promote quick healing of the injured joint.

Apply Cayenne Pepper Ointment

Cayenne Pepper For Dislocations Cayenne pepper has potent rubefacient properties that would generate heat in the area where it is applied. The heat thus generated would increase the warmth in the injured area, thereby relaxing the stiff joint and the muscles surrounding it, and promoting quick recovery. You can also add some extra cayenne pepper to the dishes that you cook. Again, sipping on a cayenne pepper concoction containing cayenne pepper (quarter teaspoon) mixed and steeped in hot water (one cup) regularly throughout the day to help the injured joint heal quickly.

Apply Sesame Oil

Sesame Oil For Dislocations Sesame oil is commonly used as an active ingredient in several ointments and creams used for treating dislocated joints. The oil has a thick consistency, and needs to be massaged into the skin in and around the injured joint. Doing so would increase the blood circulation to the dislocated joint, thereby promoting quick recovery. Massage the sesame oil gently, using circular motions, for around 20 minutes in and around the injured joint. Wipe away the excess oil with a piece of cloth afterwards. Follow this remedy at least twice a day for a week until the joint heals completely.

Drink Turmeric Powder Juice

Turmeric contains a substance called curcumin which is responsible for more than just the yellow color of the compound. Curcumin contains plenty of anti-inflammatory properties that would prevent the injured joint from swelling up, thereby thwarting the pain caused by the dislocated joint as well. In order to get the best benefits or turmeric, add a teaspoon of it to a glass of hot milk, and drink the concoction before going to bed every night. You can also mix half a teaspoon of turmeric powder with a tablespoon of honey, and swallow the mixture. Follow this remedy at least twice a day to keep the pain and inflammation at bay.

Turmeric Powder Juice For Dislocations Apply Fresh Mint Leaves

Mint is an effective coolant, and would soothe the injured joint effectively, thereby bringing down the pain caused by the dislocation. Grab a handful of fresh mint leaves and grind them to form a paste. Apply this paste directly on the skin above the dislocated joint. Keep the paste on the area for about 15-20 minutes and wipe it off with a piece of cloth later. Follow this remedy at least twice every day for a week or so in order to help the dislocated joint heal faster.

Mint Leaves For Dislocations Rest The Dislocated Joint

One of the best home remedies for dislocations is plenty of rest. Try resting the injured areas as much as possible for the first few days. Avoid vigorous movements, or doing the same action that caused the dislocation in the first place. Make subtle movements with the injured joint in order to avoid dislocating or injuring it again.

Rest The Dislocated Joint Keep The Joint Elevated

A good way to prevent the dislocated joint from swelling up involves keeping the injured area in an elevated position. Doing so would also reduce the pain caused by the dislocation. It pays to lie down on the floor and elevate the injured joint above the body for about half an hour at least 4-5 times a day. In addition to reducing the pain and inflammation caused by the dislocation, this would relax the muscles and restore movement to the injured site.

Keep The Joint Elevated For Dislocations Maintain Motion In The Injured Site

Although a good amount of rest is required for the dislocated joint to heal, remaining motionless would actually cause the muscles in the area to become stiff, thereby making it even harder for you to move the injured joint afterwards. Therefore, try moving the injured joint slowly for about 10 minutes at least thrice a day at regular intervals to maintain its flexibility and motion.

Maintain Motion In The Injured Site