5 Best Vitamins For Quick Energy


5 Best Vitamins For Quick Energy

Our body needs energy to perform all its normal functions. We get this energy by consuming foods which are broken down in our body and provide it with the necessary energy. However, there are times we need more energy quickly such as when we are going to participate in some sports or run a marathon, etc. It is not wise to reach out for stimulants and other energy supplements for this purpose.

For quick energy, we can make use of vitamin supplements after consulting a doctor. Also, it is wiser to consume foods which are rich in vitamins that help to provide quick energy to our body. A well-balanced diet is the best way to keep our energy levels up. If you are participating in any event, or have recently been feeling sluggish and weak due to an illness, certain vitamins can help provide you with quick energy and to get you back on your feet in short time. Given here are some of the best and most effective vitamins that will give you quick energy when taken regularly.

Vitamins For Quick Energy

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, is essential for our body and provides it with the necessary energy that is required for performing daily activities as it supports cellular energy production.

Vitamin B2

If you are feeling weak after an illness, this vitamin will provide you with quick energy and help you overcome fatigue. You can get it naturally from food sources such as yogurt, spinach, soybeans and mushrooms. Its supplements can also be taken to get quick energy.

Vitamin B9

Also known as folic acid, Vitamin B9 is required by our body for its normal functioning. It plays a vital role in energy production in our body and plays an active part in cell repair and growth.

Vitamin B9

You can get it from food sources such as liver, sunflower seeds, green leafy vegetables, etc. This essential vitamin tends to get destroyed while cooking at high temperatures. So have its supplements if you need quick energy.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 helps to increase energy levels. It can also help to boost your mood and concentration. People deficient in vitamin B12 experience lot of fatigue and lack mental concentration. You can get it from food sources such as liver, fish, red meats, cheese, eggs, etc.

Vitamin B12

Vegetarians and people with poor digestion are often deficient in this vitamin. This may cause fatigue and taking its supplements will help provide them with quick energy.

Vitamin D

This sunshine vitamin is most essential for maintaining muscle health and energy levels in our body. Only some foods contain this essential vitamin. Fortunately, all we need to do to get quick energy is to spend some time outside in the sun.

Vitamin D

Our skin is able to synthesize vitamin D with the help of sunlight. Vitamin D supplements can be taken by people who do not get time to take in sunlight, or those living in areas with less sunlight. This will help get them quick energy.

Vitamin C

If you need quick energy, all you have to do is to increase your intake of vitamin C. The best part is that you can get this essential vitamin from the most delicious sources like oranges and lemons.

Vitamin C

So, have a glass of fresh orange or lime juice whenever you need quick energy. Other food sources that will provide you with vitamin C are red peppers, guavas, strawberries, green leafy vegetables, etc. If you include all these in your daily diet you don’t really have to take supplements for quick energy.