The Best Diet Treatment For Tinnitus

The Best Diet Treatment For Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a condition in which the patient hears noises in ears and head. The noise can be in the form of ringing, whistling or humming. The patient feels buzzing and roaring in the ears. This is an awkward situation as the noises are not real and there is no noise near the patient.

The actual problem is that the patient has a defective hearing system that causes the false noises. The patient should take meals a little earlier than sleeping as the food takes some time to be digested. This helps in having an undisturbed sleep, which is very important for the treatment of tinnitus. Patients who have tinnitus should take a diet that can help in treating the condition. The best diet treatment for tinnitus is as follows.

Diet Treatment For Tinnitus

Carbohydrates And Protein

If you have tinnitus, you should take a diet that is rich in carbohydrates. You can eat pasta and cake as they are rich in carbohydrates and help in calming the body.

  Carbohydrates And Protein

Carbohydrate rich foods have a sedative effect on the body. You should also eat foods that contain a high amount of protein. Eat coconut and avocados.

Pineapple And Garlic

Some foods can help in treating tinnitus. These foods are pineapple and garlic. Eat fresh pineapple as it helps in increasing blood circulation, which is very important for treating tinnitus.

Pineapple And Garlic

Add garlic while cooking food. Garlic helps in decreasing inflammation. It improves the blood circulation and helps in the treatment of tinnitus. You can take garlic in the form of capsules.

Fruits, Vegetables And Legumes

People who have tinnitus should include fruits and vegetables in the diet. You should eat raw fruits. Eat fruits that have low amount of sugar. Choose fruits that have high amount of antioxidants. The best fruits for tinnitus are berries and grapefruits. You can eat lemons. You will benefit greatly by eating green vegetables.

Fruits, Vegetables And Legumes

Eat vegetables that are not starchy. Include cooked legumes in the diet. These foods contain a high amount of nutrients like vitamins and amino acids. They also contain phytogenic compounds, which decrease inflammation in the ear and treat tinnitus. Allergy to salicylic acid is one of the main causes of tinnitus. Therefore, you should avoid foods, fruits and vegetables that contain salicylic acid.

Dry Fruits And Sea Vegetables

Dry fruits are very good for patients who have tinnitus. You should eat nuts as they help in decreasing the symptoms of tinnitus. Include kelp in the diet and eat sea vegetables.

Dry Fruits And Sea Vegetables

You should eat edible seaweed. You can eat the stem and leaves of these sea foods. You can take the extract of sea vegetables. Sea vegetables contain a high amount of vitamins and polyphenols. They also contain zinc. All these nutrients help in treating tinnitus.

Fish, Meat And Goat Milk

If you are fond of eating meat, you should choose non-farmed fish. You should eat cold-water fish. Choose organic chicken and beef. Avoid eating processed meats. Avoid eating meat of animals that have been fed in an unhealthy manner.

Fish, Meat And Goat Milk

If you are fond of drinking goat’s milk, choose the milk that is raw and organic. This goat milk does not cause inflammation leading to tinnitus.

Avoid These Foods

If you have tinnitus, you should avoid caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee. Do not take chocolate. You should avoid alcohol and cola drinks. Stay away from tonic water. These drinks can worsen the symptoms of tinnitus. Avoid salty foods as these foods can increase the blood pressure, which worsens the symptoms of tinnitus.

Avoid These Foods