
Top 6 Herbal Remedies For Arteriosclerosis



Arteriosclerosis is the hardening of the arteries and causes heart disease, kidney disease, and stroke and circulation problems in the limbs. It occurs because of damage to the artery lining due to oxidation, infiltration with fat filled cells and formation of clots and plaque.

Smoking, obesity, blood sugar discrepancies, excess of LDL cholesterol, a diet high in carbohydrates and Trans fatty acids are the risk factors causing arteriosclerosis. The artery walls may also be damaged due to chronic bacterial or viral infections. Fortunately there are many herbal remedies for arteriosclerosis which use the antioxidant properties of various herbs in preventing damage to the arteries.

Various Herbal Remedies Ffor Arteriosclerosis



This is essentially a heart tonic used for centuries in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. It normalizes the rhythm of the heart and improves the flow of blood in the coronary arteries. It is antibacterial in nature and reduces the bad cholesterol.It is also useful in reducing angina pain and preventing congestive heart failure. Due to the fact that it improves blood flow it reduces the effect of oxidation on the arteries and hence prevents them from thickening.


The active enzyme bromelain contained in pineapple is well known for its healing properties and is recommended in various ailments. It is also useful in reducing the stickiness of the blood platelets and hence prevents the formation of blood clots. It also reduces the inflammatory response of arteries in case of injury or irritation. Hence it looks after the health of the arteries and is one of the great herbal remedies for arteriosclerosis.


Gingko Biloba

Gingko Biloba is well known for its properties that protect a person from heart attacks and also strengthens the artery walls. Hence, it is good as a remedy for arteriosclerosis. It can be grown in your own garden and although it is a slow growing plant, you can definitely use it in a few years. You have to use this herb on a daily basis for better result.

Gingko Biloba


Valerian is a well known sedative which is often used for the treatment of insomnia. More important is its property to alleviate stress causing elevated blood pressure. It also relaxes the walls of the blood vessels including the arteries and hence is one of the herbal remedies for arteriosclerosis. It prevents spasms in the blood vessels and hence enhances blood circulation.



Extensive studies have been conducted in Russia regarding the ability of skullcap to stabilize heart disease which is caused by stress. Research has proved that stress activates certain parts of the brain that can trigger a heart attack. The calming effect of skullcap interferes with this reaction and hence prevents the heart attack. Japanese research has proved that this herb also has the ability to increase the levels of good cholesterol HDL.



All clovers are rich in a compound called coumarin which protects the blood vessels and hence clovers are effective herbal remedies for arteriosclerosis. They prevent the artery walls from becoming rigid and maintain their elasticity. This in turn improves the blood circulation and prevents the formation of clots and plaque. Hence all clovers are great as herbal remedies for arteriosclerosis.
