Top 5 Herbal Remedies For Diuretics


Diuretics are prescribed for the treatment of blood pressure, kidney failure and heart diseases. Diuretics release excess water and/or sodium from the body that may result in problems like edema, swollen feet, bloating, etc.


While common diuretic pills tend to decrease mineral levels in the body while expelling excessive water, herbal diuretics keep the mineral levels intact. Here are some of the best herbs used as diuretics.

Herbal Remedies For Diuretics


It has been in use since ancient times as a remedy for fluid retention. It encourages urination and hence helps in flushing out toxins from the body. Its diuretic properties are combined with its natural potassium constituent. Hence, it does not bring down natural mineral content in the body while flushing out toxins.

Other diuretics depletes potassium levels during action. Dandelion acts as a tonic for the liver and the entire digestive system. It is also a mild laxative and aids in weight loss. Another reason for the popularity of dandelion as a diuretic is that it does not have side effects. The best way to consume dandelion is to put its parts especially the leaves in boiling water, let it steep for close to half an hour and drink it as tea. Health food stores also sell packaged dandelion tea.



It is a popular diuretic and acts as a tonic for the lymphatic system. Healthy lymphatic system enables regular flushing out of toxins from the body. It purifies blood and treats conditions like arthritis and psoriasis. Its diuretic action helps in cleaning gravel or stones from kidney.

This herb is also a great remedy for urinary tract infections. It decreases blood pressure without decreasing heart rate. Its leaves can be chewed as spinach leaves. Otherwise, you can use its seeds in lieu of coffee beans and make a refreshing drink.



Yarrow is a well known diuretic and it works by expelling excessive sodium and water from the body. What makes yarrow special as a diuretic is its anti-inflammatory as well as antiseptic properties that fight possible bacterial infection. Hence, yarrow comes handy as a diuretic since excessive urination might lead to UTIs (urinary tract infections). It is also rich in other essential minerals, vitamins and flavonoids.

Take some dried yarrow and put it in hot water, strain the mixture and drink it. Yarrow is also available in the form of tinctures, capsules and extracts. While selecting yarrow for diuretic use, you should check that it should not contain pesticides. People allergic to aspirin or ragweed should not use yarrow. Also people who are taking drugs for insomnia, high blood pressure and anxiety should avoid using yarrow.



Its diuretic properties are quite popular among herbalists and the same have reached the commons. It increases urinary flow gently and hence helps in flushing out bacteria from the bladder. It also maintains electrolyte levels in the body. It is easily available in powder form.

However, one should drink excess water when using horsetail as a diuretic. People with kidney stones and those on high blood pressure drugs such as ACE inhibitors should avoid this herb.


Stinging Nettle

Containing various essential minerals like magnesium, iron and potassium, stinging nettle is one of the most popular herbal diuretic. It helps in extracting uric acid but does not induce excessive bathroom urges especially during night time. Hence, stinging nettle is a well known remedy for various related disorders such as benign prostate enlargement, gout, and irritated bladder or weak bladder.

It nourishes kidney as well as the adrenal glands. Recommended dosage of nettle tea is at least a cup daily. It helps in treating malnutrition when used for a long term. It is available in tincture, capsule and tea form. It might cause stomach upset in some people.

Stinging Nettle