5 Herbal Remedies For Coronary Heart Disease


A heart disease is a medical condition which prevents the heart from working at its optimum level. Coronary heart disease is also known as coronary artery disease and is the most prevalent heart disease. In this ailment the walls of the arteries on the heart surface become hard. This happens due to the accumulation of plaque on these walls. This plaque develops over a period of time due to low density lipoprotein cholesterol which is the bad cholesterol.

Coronary Heart Disease

The arteries become narrow and hence the blood flow in the heart in obstructed. If not treated in time it can result in coronary heart failure and subsequently death. Heart treatment is very expensive and requires a lot of effort like making important changes to the lifestyle and diet. However, there are some simple herbal remedies for coronary heart disease which can alleviate the problem if followed along with a proper lifestyle and diet.

Herbal Remedies For Coronary Heart Disease

Olive Oil

Olive oil is well known for its medicinal properties and is used in the treatment of various disorders. It is a good idea to change your cooking oil to olive oil.This oil is the prime candidate from providing the body with monosaturated fat which is the heart healthy type of fat. Tran’s fats and saturated fats present in other vegetable oils can harm the heart.

Olive Oil


Magnesium is a great nutrient for the heart and a sufficient intake of this mineral is necessary to keep the heart healthy. Pecans are rich in magnesium and hence will prevent and even act as herbal remedies for coronary heart disease. These nuts are tasty and can be added to a salad of spinach.Sprinkle about one ounce of these nuts on your spinach salad which is bound to give you 1/3 of the daily requirement of magnesium. Hence it is a good idea to add pecans and spinach salad to all the three meals in a day.



Calcium is another nutrient which is essential for the heart and although drinking milk may give you the required amount of calcium, there are other foods that are rich in calcium like broccoli. Other than broccoli you can also eat kale, figs, okra, and pinto beans.One cup of broccoli contains 90 mg of calcium which is a very good amount. Hence include broccoli in your daily diet and you will be adopting one of the herbal remedies for coronary heart disease.



Instead of the usual lettuce, use spinach to make a salad for yourself. This nutrient rich herb is rich in folic acid. Half a cup of spinach contains 130 mg of folic acid. This herb also contains other B vitamins like B6 and B12.Together folic acid, B6 and B12 not only prevent but also cure heart disease. Thus, eat spinach on the regular basis to get rid of your coronary heart disease.



While oranges are the best source for vitamin C even strawberries are loaded with it. ½ a cup of strawberries contains 45 mg of vitamin C which is very good amount.Hence don’t forget to consume oranges and strawberries on the regular basis as one of the herbal remedies for coronary heart disease.
