
Top 5 Drugs And Medications To Treat Jock Itch

Jock itch is an itchy fungal infection of the groin. It is more common in males than in females. Overweight people and people with diabetes are prone to jock itch. Too much moisture, sweating, skin infection causes jock itch.

Jock Itch

Itching, appearance of dry and rough rashes and pain are some of the symptoms of jock itch. You can get rid of jock itch by using some drugs and medications. Top 5 drugs and medications to treat jock itch are as follows:

Drugs And Medications To Treat Jock Itch


You can use miconazole in the form of a powder or cream or lotion 2 times every day to treat jock itch. You should at first wash your hands and the affected area properly before applying miconazole powder. Before using miconazole, you should review your medications and pregnant women should consult a doctor before using miconazole.Rashes, swelling, irritation and difficulty while breathing are some of the side effects of miconazole. You should use it every day for 2 weeks and then consult a doctor if you find that miconazole is not that much effective in treating jock itch.



You should have it orally every day along with a glass of water. You can crush the tablet and then have it or just chew it and have it. You should take it early in the morning or at night before going to bed. Some of the side effects of terbinafine are stomach upset, sore throat, cheat pain and diarrhea. If swelling of the tongue, abdominal pain and dizziness occurs after taking it, then you should consult a doctor.



You should take it once every day in the form of tablets or capsules. You should take it orally along with some foods. You can also take it in the form of suspension after shaking it and measuring it properly. For best results, you should take it at the same time every day.Hair loss, pain in the stomach, nausea and diarrhea are some of the side effects of fluconazole. If after taking this medication, you feel like vomiting, experience pain in the abdomen and your skin colour becomes yellowish, then you should consult a doctor.



You should take it as a tablet or capsule every day and always have it along with some food to avoid stomach upset. So you should have it along with some food in your breakfast or lunch or dinner. You can also apply ketoconazole cream on the affected area 1-2 times every day. Nausea, vomiting, itching sensation and swelling are some of the symptoms of ketoconazole. Other than these, you may also experience headache, depression and vision problems after taking this drug.



You can use naftin in the form of gel or cream. You should apply the cream on the affected area once every day or you can also apply the gel on the affected area 2 times every day. You should use it every day until you get rid of the jock itch completely.Reddening, itching and burning sensation, irritation and drying of the affected area are some of the side effects of naftin. Pregnant women who have jock itch should consult a doctor before using naftin. Thus by using the above mentioned drugs and medications you can treat jock itch.
