Top 4 Vitamins For Kidney Patients


Vitamins for Kidney Patients In the human body, every organ carries out important function that is necessary for maintaining life. Among all, kidneys play an important role in eliminating the useless products. Hence it’s utmost necessary to keep our kidneys healthy and to achieve that you must have to make significant changes in your diet.

Our bodies utilize vitamins and minerals to process and maintain different functions. Similarly, if you want your kidneys to be a healthy state then you must have to supply your body with essential vitamins every day. The below given list of vitamins are not only useful for kidney patients but also for those people who want to enhance the functioning of kidneys.

Vitamins For Kidney Patients

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is a water soluble vitamin that supports many activities in the body. The active form of vitamin B6, pyridoxal phosphate is responsible for maintaining and processing different metabolisms. It has been scientifically proven that a link exists between kidney stone and vitamin B6.

Vitamin B6

According to that research, people who consumed 35 mg of vitamin B6 in their diet had reduced their risk of kidney failure when compared to other people who had normal diet. However, your body require vitamin B6 in small quantities and higher doses can prove dangerous to health. Vitamin B6 is present in a wide range of foods like crude rice, garlic, fishes, wheat germ, chicken and sesame seeds.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is important for maintaining strong bones in our body. It helps the body to absorb calcium and phosphorous in the right amounts. Generally, kidney patients are more likely to have lower levels of vitamin D.

Vitamin D

So your doctor may prescribe certain vitamin D supplements to meet your body needs. The recommended dosage is about 50,000 IU taken only once in a week for a prescribed amount of time. Vitamin D is quite beneficial for those people who are suffering from kidney disease. To a certain extent, vitamin D can be obtained through food sources like oysters, mushrooms, eggs, fishes and organic cheese.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an essential vitamin that can reduce the risk of kidney disease. Vitamin E has antioxidant properties that protect the cells from the attack of free radicals. In-addition to this, vitamin E helps in the process of oxidation and gene expression.

Vitamin E

In most cases, the renal diseases that lead to kidney failure are progressively worsened when the oxidative stress increases in the body. And to reduce the oxidative stress, a dietary supplement that has antioxidant properties is said to work better. Vitamin E is considered to enhance the kidney functioning, especially in those diseases caused by oxidative stress. The food sources where you can find vitamin E are nuts, spinach, avocados, fishes, pumpkin and broccoli.

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 or thiamine is a water soluble vitamin that helps to convert carbohydrates into glucose. This vitamin is necessary to carry several functions and metabolisms in the body. It has been scientifically proven that vitamin B1 can benefit the diabetes patients suffering from kidney disease.

Vitamin B1

A recent study has concluded that when high doses of vitamin B1 are given to the patients, the risk of kidney damage is slightly reduced. The recommended dosage of vitamin B1 is about 300 mg per day. The foods that are rich in vitamin B1 are fortified cereals, shellfish, crabs, cheese, low fat milk and eggs.