7 Home Remedies For Irregular Menstrual Cycle


7 Home Remedies For Irregular Menstrual Cycle

Menstrual cycle includes a series of events occurring in the female reproductive system. The cycle begins when the womb starts preparing itself for fertilisation with the help of series of hormone release, but when the egg released from the ovaries is not fertilised by the male sperm, the uterus starts shredding off its growth in the form of vaginal discharge. This discharge includes blood, blood clots, tissues etc. Now in normal conditions, the menstrual cycle lasts anywhere between 21-35 days (most common is about 28days).

Irregular menstrual cycle in scientific terms is called oligomenorrhea; which means that the menstruation is either very frequent or happens after long intervals. When these long gaps between two cycles exceed 90 days or more; the condition is called amenorrhea. From this, one thing is very clear that irregular menses will happen due to any imbalance in the hormone levels. Birth control pills, change in method of contraception, any disease in the body, STD’s, increased stress levels, use of some medicines etc. might lead to irregular periods. If not treated on time and if the condition is taken lightly; it might eventually lead to problems in conceiving and delivery. Therefore, it is important to take proper measures if the periods remain irregular for long time. There are medicines available and your doctor might prescribe a few; however let us have a look at the different natural remedies which help in regularising the menstrual cycle and also alleviate the abdominal pain and cramps.

Here Are Some Effective Home Remedies For Irregular Menstrual Cycle:


The irony is no one as such likes to eat bitter gourd, but if you go in details of its beneficial properties even one entire book is not enough. It is rich in vitamins, zinc, magnesium, folate, iron, beta carotene, calcium, potassium and so on. All these vital nutrients help in regulating the menstrual cycle. Also karela helps in balancing the hormonal levels which especially help in balancing hormonal levels and getting rid of oligomenorrhea. For its consumption, you can either make a juice of bitter gourd and add bit of lemon and salt to it or consume it in the cooked manner. Either ways it is very beneficial. It is also said that bitter gourd restores the haemoglobin and iron levels in body; therby making up for the lost blood.

Bitter Gourd


Bottle gourd is again a very amazing vegetable. It is rich is iron, folate, fibre etc. It controls high BP, diabetes, etc. While considering irregular menstruation, bottle gourd along with regularising periods, also reduces abdominal cramps. It can also be consumed as a fresh vegetable juice or in a slightly cooked form. However keep it mind not to consume this vegetable when it tastes bitter.


Unripe Papaya

Papaya in its unripe form is probably the best natural ingredient which helps with irregular periods. Apparently unripe papaya is believed to balance the contractions and hormonal levels thereby controlling the menstrual cycle. You can either consume it in a cooked vegetable form or even as a salad with sprinkled salt and herbs. It is believed that if you continue to eat unripe papaya for 1-2 months regularly, your menstrual cycle becomes smooth and continuous.

 Green Papaya


If you would have noticed we put ginger in a number of dishes; this is because it has ample of medicinal health benefits. Along with other health benefits it is also beneficial for irregular periods. Ginger can either be consumed with hot tea, or ginger juice can be mixed with honey and consumed every morning. It is also known to purify blood and improve the overall reproductive health of the female.


Chuck Caffeine

Caffeine is a factor which causes irregularities in periods. Any drink which is rich in caffeine should therefore be avoided. These drinks include coffee, tea, sodas, alcohol etc. In small quantities if these drinks are consumed it is okay; however excess consumption must be avoided strictly. If you are a coffee addict at least take care that during the menstrual cycle you do not over consume these drinks.

Skip Caffeine

Heat Therapy

Massaging the abdomen and pelvic regions with a hot bag or a heat pad during the period will help in reducing pain, cramps and discomfort and might also improve the regularity of periods with regular use.

Heat Therapy

Yoga And Breathing Exercise

We know that performing yoga regularly improves blood circulation. Also there are few pranayam exercises which especially are beneficial for irregular periods. Consult a trained professional for learning these Breathing Exercise.

Do Yoga Regularly

If it happens that you still do not benefit from these natural remedies; you must visit a gynaecologist as it might be due to some other underlying condition.