A lot of people suffer from the serious problem of increased triglyceride level in the body and with an increase in the modern life style the problem has also increased. Triglyceride are basically the fat or lipid that is found in blood and these are formed by the conversion of calories and the body require an optimal level of triglyceride in order to synthesise hormone and to get energy for muscle functioning. However an increase in the level of triglyceride can cause serious problems like high blood pressure, high blood sugar level etc and all these symptoms lead to a risk of heart disease and strokes. The major reasons for the occurrence of this health issue are inactive life style, high calorie diet, malfunctioning of thyroid gland, smoking, excessive drinking, genetics etc. It is very important to keep the level of triglyceride in the normal range in order to prevent a number of harmful risks and here are the useful home remedies that you can use in order to treat this problem effectively.
Here Are Some Effective Home Remedies For High Triglyceride Level:
Garlic Cloves
Several studies have confirmed that garlic has the potential to control the level of triglyceride in the blood. Not only this, garlic is also very effective in controlling and regulating the blood sugar level in the body. Therefore it is highly recommended to include garlic to your daily routine to have the benefits.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is also very useful in getting relief from the problem. The use of apple cider vinegar controls the level of cholesterol in the body which in turn helps in controlling the level of triglycerides and it is therefore recommended to add apple cider vinegar to your daily routine. All you have to do is to prepare a concoction by mixing apple cider vinegar with honey and water and consume in regularly to have relief.
Coriander Seeds
Coriander seeds are considered as the best home remedy to treat the triglyceride problem. Studies have proved that coriander seeds are very useful in the metabolism of lipid and in turn controls the triglyceride level. In order to follow this simple remedy you have to boil some coriander seeds in water and consume the solution twice in a day to get relief.
Cayenne Pepper Powder
Cayenne pepper powder is very useful in controlling the cholesterol levels. The capsaicin compound present in it is a very versatile compound that provides relief from a number of problems. The alkaloid nature of capsaicin helps in getting rid from the problem of high triglyceride levels in the body. Mix some cayenne pepper powder to hot water and consume daily to get the benefits.
Cinnamon Powder
Studies have also proved the importance of using cinnamon powder as a remedy. According to a study it has been concluded that cinnamon powder is effective in reducing the increased level of triglycerides in the body. It is therefore advisable to add cinnamon powder to your daily meals and salads to get rid from the problem.
Red Yeast Rice
Using red yeast rice is also a very effective remedy to control the level of triglyceride in the body. Consumption of red yeast rice helps in the metabolism of lips which reduces the cholesterol and the triglyceride levels and makes you free from the risk of a number of potential health threats. Therefore it is recommended to have red yeast rice into your daily meals to have the benefits.
More Fibre Consumption
One of the easy ways to tackle the problem of high triglyceride level is to increase the daily consumption of fibre. More fibre consumption helps in reducing the level of triglycerides and cholesterol at the same time. Not only this, it also helps in energizing your body and provides relief from a number of other symptoms associated with the problem. Include oat meals, peas, beans, green veggies to your daily routine to get the benefits.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Omega 3 fatty acids are also very effective in providing relief from this serious problem. The consumption of omega 3 fatty acids helps in reducing the level of triglycerides and promotes their oxidation in order to gain energy. Not only this, omega 3 fatty acids are also very useful in controlling and regulating the increased blood sugar level and the cholesterol level. It is therefore highly recommended to add salmon, tuna, walnuts, flax seed oil etc to your daily routine.
Avoid Smoking And Alcohol
It is very important to avoid smoking and alcohol consumption because these two things are directly associated with making the situation more severe.
Follow all the remedies regularly in order to get complete relief from the problem.