9 Best Home Remedies For Flea Infestation


A flea infestation has to be dealt with immediately as these pests multiply very rapidly. The infestation is more in summer and spring and the chances of your home being invaded by these colonies increases if you have a pet. Fleas are parasites that suck animal and human blood and can cause allergies with rashes, irritations, lesions, scabs and sneezing. It is often very difficult to detect fleas until you find an infestation in your home.

Flea Infestation

It is extremely important that you get rid of them immediately to protect yourself, your home and pet from bites and allergies. For severe infestations, it is recommended that you get a pesticide and insecticide treatment done for your home. Before you call pest control, you can get rid of an infestation with the following home remedies for fleas that are effective and simple to execute.

Home Remedies For Flea Infestation

Baking Soda And Salt

Mix equal parts salt and baking soda and sprinkle this mixture over the carpet and flooring, and leave the mixture undisturbed for about an hour. Sprinkle it everywhere you think a flea infestation exists. After about an hour, sweep from right to left with a strong broom so that the baking soda mixture goes deep down through the carpet, down to the flea colony and eggs. After ensuring you have been able to reach most of the flea colonies, leave the swept mixture for twelve hours to an entire day, depending on how severe the infestation is.

The salt and baking soda dehydrates the fleas and eggs so they are not unable to survive. Repeat this flea home remedy or treatment everyday for at least a week until most of the fleas are dead or dying. Vacuum the carpet and other places where you applied this mixture to clear away dead larvae, pupae and fleas.

Baking Soda And Salt


Vacuum clean your home thoroughly, right from floor furnishings to nooks and crannies, curtains, sofas, chairs, upholstery, beds, bedroom furnishings, kitchens and other places in your home. Vacuum cleaning is one of the most effective flea home remedies that cleans your house of eggs, larvae, pupae reducing the infestation in your home. The vibrations caused by the cleaner causes the pupae to hatch, making it easier to kill flea colonies with an insecticide later.

Following a full vacuum of your house, it is important to clean out the vacuum bag immediately and throw away the content outside in the trash can rather than at home since fleas can easily find their way back from the bag to your house if thrown in the garbage can at home. Empty the vacuum bag immediately following the cleaning. Vacuum your home atleast thrice a week if you know that a flea infestation exists. This is one of the most easy ways to rid your home of pests.


Essential Oils

Spray essential oil blends on carpeting, bedroom furnishings, upholstery and parts of the house to repel fleas and treat an infestation. Use oils like lavender, cedar, citronella, lemongrass and eucalyptus oils. About ten to twenty drops of oil per pint of water in a spray bottle works well to clean out flea infestations.

Spray the oils around home baseboards and pet bedding, carpets, curtains and other areas where infestation is maximum. This is a fast acting natural flea treatment.

Essential Oils


After a thorough vacuum, Wash the house furnishings if possible or get it cleaned. Concentrate on pet bedding, rugs and any other fabrics that are harboring fleas. Use soap water, shampoo or cleaning liquids and hot water to get rid of fleas. Washing your home furnishings is a useful and effective home remedy for fleas that helps get rid of an infestation fairly quickly.


Borax Powder

One of the most effective home flea remedies for infestations is borax powder and can be used indoors and outdoors. Borax kills fleas along with the larvae and eggs by dehydrating and drying them up, making it one of the most reliable remedies to rid your home of fleas and pests.

Regular application of borax helps to destroy flea colonies and rid your home of an infestation. Use borax along cracks and crevices of the walls and floors as fleas reside in these areas of your home as well. Applying borax regularly on areas where the flea infestation is maximum will help you eradicate fleas completely.

Borax Powder

Diatomaceous Earth(DE)

DE is composed of fossilized hard shelled algae. DE dehydrates the fleas and eradicates large colonies with a single application. This is one of the most effective remedies as it is non-toxic, does not harm pets or humans and destroys an infestation completely. The food gradable variety of DE is non-toxic and very effective in curing a flea infestation.

Diatomaceous Earth(DE)

Make A Citrus Spray

Make a spray of lemon juice by adding a slice of lemon to a pint of water, heated to boiling point. The mixture should be left undisturbed overnight and put into a spray bottle and sprayed on flea colonies and areas of maximum infestation at home.The citric acid in lemon juice acts as a pesticide and destroys the fleas thus ridding your home of fleas. This is a very fast acting remedy useful in destroying flea colonies with a few sprays of the cirtus juice.

Make A Citrus Spray

Water And Dish detergent

Mix detergent with water in a bowl and leave it around areas where the infestation has occurred. This is one of the most effective natural remedies for fleas. The water and dish detergent mixture lures fleas with a light source placed over it, which jump into the water and are destroyed by the detergent. Use a bowl or an overturned Frisbee that is shallow, to allow the fleas an easy hop into it.

Water And Dish detergent


Spray a mixture of vinegar and water over areas of flea infestation like furniture, rugs, sofa covers, drapes, bedding and other places. If the odor is inconvenient, you can burn essential oils to get rid of the sour smell of vinegar. These natural remedies for fleas help you rid your home of a flea infestation and the accompanying health hazards.
