8 Herbal Remedies For Thinning Hair


Thinning hair is a common problem. It is caused by factors such as pregnancy, consumption of birth control pills, scalp infections, alopecia areata, thyroid, arthritis, depression,

Thinning Hair

use of poor quality hair products, frequent use of a comb and poor nutrition.

Patchy bald spots on the scalp and receding hairlines are the two main symptoms associated with this problem. Use of different herbal remedies can help in the treatment of the problem.

Herbal Remedies for Thinning Hair

Saw Palmetto

‘’Serenoa Repens’’ is the scientific name of saw palmetto. Consumption of saw palmetto tincture can treat the problem of thinning hair caused by hormonal changes, thyroid and stress. Ripe saw palmetto berries can also be consumed to obtain the desired results. Another alternative is to rub saw palmetto oil on the scalp multiple times on a weekly basis.

Saw Palmetto

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is anti-oxidant in nature. A person can take ginkgo biloba extract on a daily basis to increase the flow of blood to the hair follicles and stimulate the hair growth. Regular application of a mixture of ginkgo biloba and milk thistle extract can also help in the treatment.

Ginkgo Biloba

Reishi Mushroom

An herbal tonic prepared by boiling the reishi mushroom powder in water can be used to wash hair several times in a week to obtain effective results. This herb should be used under the supervision of a medical professional.

Reishi Mushroom


‘’Mentha Piperita’’ is the botanical name of peppermint. Direct application of peppermint oil on the head can provide highly effective results. A person should cover his/her head with a towel soaked in warm water after the application of the oil.A gentle massage with a mixture of peppermint, spearmint and coconut oil can improve the hair growth.


Green Tea

A person can mix green tea and a few drops of olive oil and apply this combination on the scalp on a frequent basis to deal with the problem. Daily intake of green tea can also help in the treatment. An herbal mask prepared by mixing green tea, mustard powder and egg yolk can also be applied on the head for 20 to 30 minutes multiple times in a week. This mask should be removed with warm water.

Green Tea


Lavender is biologically termed as ‘’Lavandula Angustifolia’’. A person can massage the scalp with a mixture of lavender, cedarwood and rosemary oil on a daily basis to treat the problem of thinning hair. Lavender oil mixed with egg yolk can also be applied on the scalp for 15 to 20 minutes per day.



Horsetail belongs to ‘’Equisetaceae’’ family. Crushed horsetail can be steeped in water to prepare an herbal tonic. This tonic can be consumed on a frequent basis to reduce the problem of thinning hair resulting from hormonal imbalance.



Application of a mixture of rosemary and almond oil can cure the problem and stimulate the hair growth. A person can wet his/her head with warm water and apply a mixture of rosemary and jojoba oil on the scalp for a few hours several times in a week to obtain the desired results.
