Herbal Remedies For Chest Mucus

Chest Mucus

Congestion in the chest can be disturbing and can lead to coughing, breathing trouble, discomfort in chest area, fatigue, chest pain, etc. It is a common problem and normally occurs due to cold, seasonal allergy, and even sometimes due to excessive smoking.

There are some excellent herbs which can help you flush out excessive mucus out of your body, however if you are a patient of chronic cough you should seek a professional medical assistance as this con be associated with some other health reasons.

Best Herbal Remedies For Chest Mucus

Angelica Root

It is one of the most common Chinese herbs used for treatment of various health problems. Intake of this herb warms and stimulates the lungs, helping to loosen chest mucus. It is a natural expectorant which reduces thickness of mucus and flushes it out of body, thus clearing the chest.

Thought its roots, stems, fruit and leaves, all are useful, but its resinous root is the most effective on clearing mucus. You can take dried roots as a decoction; else you can get its extract on herbal medical section. You can also massage with this oil on your chest to get relief from discomfort caused due to chest congestion.

Angelica Root

Anise Seed

Anise is a popular herb in North America and is an excellent expectorant, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, antiseptic which works amazingly on chest congestion. It contains substances like creosol and alpapinene which are known for breaking congestion and easing cough.

Its intake loosens chest mucus and flushes it out of body. It is sweet and aromatic, therefore can be used to prepare herbal tea, or in baking and cooking also. Chinese and Japanese use this herb a lot in their dishes, you can also make it a part of your daily diet.

Anise Seed

Ajwain And Pippali

Ajwain and Pippali can be easily found on confectionary stores and their mixtures acts miraculously on clearing lungs and giving you relief from chest congestion. Take half teaspoon each of Ajwain and Pippali and boil with water for 10 minutes.

You can add ginger and honey for taste and better results. Drink this herbal tea 2-3 times a day. You can also chew Ajwain with sugar to clear dry cough. Ajwain contains a substance called thymol which is antibacterial in nature.

Ajwain And Pippali


Camphor oil has dual action of hot and cold on body, therefore it helps to fight with allergies of cough and cold, and is an excellent expectorant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral herb. A massage with camphor oil on chest gives comfort in breathing and loosens chest mucus.


Horseradish Roots

Horseradish roots are one of the fastest ways of clearing mucus as it has amazing antibiotic properties which treat the root cause of infection. It contains Vitamin C which gives comfort to sore throat and loosens chest congestion.

It gives a warmth effect on body and improves blood circulation. You can take 1-2 teaspoon of fresh grated roots daily or can get it in the form of tincture at herbal medical stores.

Horseradish Roots


Thyme is one of the favorite herbs for treatment of respiratory problems like cough, cold, asthma, etc. Thyme acts on the root of infection and is an excellent expectorant, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory herb. You can sip thyme tea added with honey 2-3 times a day to get relief from discomfort caused due to chest congestion.
