Busting The Top 5 Myths About Milk

Myths About Milk

Milk is most consumed beverage throughout the world and is linked to good health. For most people starting and ending the day, drinking a glass of milk is the healthful way to live. Most of us know that milk is good for our bone health as it is the best source of calcium and vitamin D. besides this, it provides important nutrient and minerals like phosphorous, magnesium, choline and protein necessary for growth and development. Most of us recognize the benefits of milk. But still there are people who find it unhealthy and like to avoid it due to misinformation and fallacious beliefs. Here are top 5 popular myths about milk that has been busted after supportive research.

Popular Milk Myth Busted

Milk And Milk Products Make You Gain Weight

Some people strongly believe that drinking milk will make them gain weight. Contrary to this belief studies reveal that drinking milk in a healthy pattern can prevent you from gaining weight. Milk is rich in proteins which help to feel full and curb your appetite and you eat less naturally. Clinical trials have also found that increased calcium intake has strong correlation with reduced body weight.

Weight Management
People With Lactose Intolerance Cannot Consume Any Milk Product

It is a popular belief that people with lactose intolerance should not consume any milk or milk product. It is true that those diagnosed with lactose intolerance have inability to digest milk sugar lactose. But still they can consume milk products like yogurt, cheese etc. This is because, during fermentation process the lactose sugar contained in milk gets rehabilitated into lactic acid. So, if you are a yogurt or cheese lover, go ahead and introduce dairy slowly into your diet. Moreover, lactose free milk and dairy products are also available, which you can consume without problem.

People With Lactose Intolerance Cannot Consume Any Milk Product
Consuming Milk Causes Mucus

Conventional thinking believes that milk causes mucus formation. Actually milk thickens saliva which often coagulate throat and saliva, which may coat the throat and may give the perception of mucus, but it does not cause the body to produce more mucus and not worsen cold or asthma symptoms. On the contrary, milk can actually speed up recovery when you have cold or flu, as drinking enough fluid is essential in this condition.

Consuming Milk Causes Mucus

Pasteurization Process Destroys The Vitamin And Minerals Contained In Milk

Pasteurization is a process in which heat treatment is used to destroy harmful bacteria in foods and beverages to make it safe for drinking. But this process has no impact on the nutrients in the milk.

Pasteurization Process Destroys The Vitamin And Minerals Contained In Milk

Consuming Milk And Dairy Products Can Increase The Risk Of Kidney Stones

Another popular myth held among people is, drinking milk can lead to the formation of kidney stones. Contrary to this belief, studies shows that getting enough calcium can prevent and reduce the risk of formation of kidney stone. Calcium in milk may help to bind oxalates contained in food and prevent them from getting absorbed by the body; which in turn will reduce the risk of kidney stone formation.

Consuming Milk And Dairy Products Can Increase The Risk Of Kidney Stones
Now you know that milk is storehouse of essential nutrients. So, clear your mind of the myths and go ahead and introduce your family to unadulterated fresh milk and milk products and enjoy its health benefit.