
Top 7 Foods That Could Make You Look Tired


Foods That Could Make You Look Tired

In our busy life, we have many things that make us look upset and feel tired. Whenever we look into the mirror, we look exhausted no matter how much rest we had the previous day. Looking at the dark circles, one can simply say that you are tired and exhausted. Dark circles show that you are dog-tired and what we often do is simply conceal them with makeup. Applying makeup helps us sometimes but looking tired could be a sign of an underlying disease. Sometimes we look tired even after putting on everything and having enough of rest, then the below list of foods could be the culprits. By recognizing such foods and their effects on your skin, you can eliminate them from your diet and guarantee yourself a radiant and fresh appearance.

Here are top 7 foods that make you look tired

Fried Food

Any kind of fried food is worse as it contains no nutrients. It only contains unhealthy fat that might block your arteries and show a negative impact on your skin and weight. The oils used to prepare fried food are usually hydrogenated and they might destroy the collagen of your skin and increase the risks of developing wrinkles at an early age. Replace them with baked, grilled foods or include fresh fruits in your diet.

Fried Food


Including candies and other foods that are high in sugar such as sweets can cause you to crash later. Sugar in candies and other sweets have no nutrients and eating lots of foods rich in sugar such as candies, sweets, chocolates etc. can increase your insulin and wreak havoc on your system. They make you feel exhausted and fade away the natural blush from your skin. Better limit the intake of such foods to lower proportions.



Anything more than one shot of alcohol will dehydrate your body and make your skin looks dull. You feel tired the next morning and might even wake up with a hangover. You must completely avoid or limit the intake of alcohol as it might make your skin look dry. Better drink a glass of water between every alcohol shot to prevent dehydration.


Spicy Food

Spicy food aids your body’s metabolism. However, they are not ideal for your skin. Spicy food might increase skin irritation, dilate blood vessels and can lead to uneven skin tone. Eating lots of spicy food can make your skin look a little older and make you look exhausted. Better switch to mild spicy foods for a clearer skin.

Spicy Food

Red Meat

Red meat is good for treating iron deficiency, but too much of red meat might increase the chances of developing wrinkles early. This is due to the carnitine compound present in the red meat that hardens the walls of the blood vessels. So, better limit its intake. Avoid taking processed meat as well.

Red Meat

Artificial Sweetener

Artificial sweetener is for people who need to cut down their sugar levels, but it can be bad as well. It contains aspartame which might lead to joint problems. It also increases craving for candies and sweets. They need to be taken in limited quantities or else they can damage your skin.

Artificial Sweetener


Donuts are palatable and a preferred snack everyone love to have. They are full of carbohydrates, sweet, and fats. Hence, avoid eating more donuts as it might lead to skin damage and can make you look worn out. Replace them with plain or flavored yogurt, whole wheat bagels etc.
