5 Amazing Benefits Of Vitamin E for Skin

Vitamin E is considered a fat-soluble vitamin that exhibits the properties of an antioxidant. This vitamin is present in almost every skin care product due to its numerous benefits for the skin.

Oral consumption of this vitamin is also considered helpful in preventing the occurrence of skin conditions, due to its antioxidant properties. Given below are some of the amazing benefits of vitamin E for skin health.

Benefits of Vitamin E for Skin

Protects From Sun Rays

This vitamin is considered beneficial in preventing the skin from damage caused by the ultraviolet rays of the skin, when it is applied topically to the skin’s surface. For protecting the skin from sunrays, it is preferred to apply vitamin E topically to the skin; however, oral intake of this vitamin is also helpful in protecting the skin.Olives, sunflower seeds, papaya, Swiss chard, mustard greens, collard greens and almonds are excellent sources of this vitamin. You should aim to consume 14-16 mg of this vitamin every day for skin care.

Protects From Sun Rays

Reduces Acne

Vitamin E is also considered effective in the treatment of acne, on topical application to the skin. This is due to the fact that it controls the volume of retinol present in the body. For treating the symptoms associated with acne, you need to apply this vitamin topically to your skin as well as consume good amounts of vitamin E orally.

Reduces Acne

Applying vitamin E to the skin is also considered beneficial in reducing inflammation and scars associated with acne. For treating acne scars using vitamin E oil, it is important that you avoid choosing products that contain mineral oil. This is due to the fact that mineral oil clogs the pores, which may trigger acne breakouts.

Reduces Stretch Marks

Vitamin E may also prove beneficial in reducing stretch marks, when applied topically to the skin. This is due to the fact that it helps in reducing the elastin and collagen responsible for wrinkles associated with stretch marks. In addition to that, it builds new skin tissue to replace the old and damaged tissue.For optimum results, vitamin E is used in combination with vitamin C. Vitamin E is also beneficial in increasing the production of collagen, which is required for elasticity of the skin.

Reduces Stretch Marks

Removes Scars

Scars can be defined as damaged skin tissue that develops as a result of burns, surgeries or abrasions. Vitamin E, when applied in the form of oil, helps in healing the skin as it seeps into the skin’s surface and destroys free radicals. Free radicals are known to have a negative impact on the healing of wounds.

Removes Scars

Prevents Skin Cancer

Vitamin E is also beneficial in preventing skin cancer. This is due to the strong anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties possessed by this vitamin. The antioxidant properties possessed by vitamin E help in preventing damage caused by free radicals, which eventually leads to cancer. According to the results of a research study conducted on mice, it was observed that vitamin E helped in deterring the growth of melanoma cells, which cause skin cancer.

Prevents Skin Cancer