9 Simple To Use Home Remedies For Shin Splints

9 Simple To Use Home Remedies For Shin Splints

Working out is very beneficial for health but there are lot of problems that can occur due to excessive work out or by using wrong techniques and one such problem that bother a lot of people is shin splints. In this problem the person feels an intense pain between the region from knee cap and ankle cap. The main reason for this problem is excessive running and using wrong technique for doing leg exercises. The problem is very painful and the symptoms involved are pain, inflammation, tenderness, swelling, soreness etc. It is very important to notice the initial signs of the problem and take necessary steps immediately otherwise you could end up lying in the bed unable to make any movement.

Here Are Some Of The Very Effective Home Remedies To Treat The Problem Of Shin Splints Effectively

Mustard Oil

Mustard oil is very helpful in treating the symptoms of shin splints. Its natural contents are very effective and help in strengthening the affected muscles and tissues. You should warm some mustard oil and massage the area gently to get relief. You can repeat this remedy as many times as you want to get desired results.

Mustard Oil

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper contains anti inflammatory properties and these properties are very useful and effective in providing relief from the symptoms of inflammation and pain. Not only this, cayenne pepper is also very beneficial in controlling the symptoms of swelling and soreness. You should therefore consume a mixture of cayenne pepper and water or you can also apply the paste made from cayenne pepper powder to get effective results.

Cayenne Pepper

Coconut Oil

Massaging the affected areas with coconut oil can also provide immediate relief from the symptoms of shin splints. Coconut oil also possess anti inflammatory characteristics which helps in treating the affected muscles.

Coconut Oil

Turmeric Powder

Turmeric powder is very useful in getting relief from the problem of pain, inflammation and swelling. Turmeric powder also helps in quick recovery and it is therefore highly advised to consume turmeric milk every night to treat shin splints completely.

Use Turmeric Powder


Consumption of garlic can provide effective relief from the symptoms of shin splints. Garlic imparts anti inflammatory affects on the body and provides great relief from pain and inflammation. Therefore you should massage the area from knee and ankle to get relief from shin splints completely.


Lavender Oil

Lavender oil also possess anti inflammatory properties and it very useful in treating the sore muscles to provide relief from the pain and inflammation. Massage the affected areas gently with some lavender oil to get the benefits.

Lavender Oil

Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is useful in treating shin splints. The magnesium content of Epsom salt helps in relaxing the sore and inflamed muscles and reduces down the pain very effectively. It is therefore highly advised to use Epsom salt to get rid of shin splints quickly.

Epsom Salt

Apple Cider Vinegar

The anti inflammatory nature of apple cider vinegar also makes it a useful home remedy to treat the problem of shin splints. You can consume a diluted mixture of apple cider vinegar every day to get relief from the symptoms.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Ginger Tea

Ginger is also very useful in providing muscles the much needed relaxation. Consumption of ginger tea is very useful in getting relief from the inflammation and the pain caused due to shin splints. One can also use ginger oil to get better results.

Ginger Tea