Not all, but most babies go through teething woes. Baby’s teeth start developing when she is in her mother’s womb. This is time when teeth buds start forming on the gums. When babies grow around 4 months or older, teeth start pushing out through the gums. This results in painful and often swollen gums. This is no doubt a difficult period for both parents and the baby, because some babies start waking more at night and become more unsettled, inconsistent in their feeding, dribble more than usual, start rubbing their ears on the same side from where tooth is coming through, put their finger in their mouth for biting and chewing. Excessive crankiness and drooling are usually seen in babies weeks before the tooth emerges. Here are 5 best remedies which you can try to soothe baby’s painful gums.
Frozen Things
Offering your baby different things to bite after cooling them in the freezer can numb babies aching gums.
Teething Rings
You can offer silicon-based teething ring after keeping them in the freezer for a while. These rings are safe in comparison to liquid filled products. These teething rings can be washed and sterilized.
Cold Spoon
Give your baby a spoon after keeping it in the freezer for few hours. The cold bite against her gum will ease the pain and put smile on her face.
Offer your baby a pacifier. Chewing it will allow her to soothe herself.
Ice A Towel
After wrapping some ice on a clean dishtowel, allow your baby to suck on the towel. Let her gnaw away on the cloth. This will help to soothe her inflamed gums and bring relief.
Teething Biscuits
Allow your baby to chew hard unsweetened biscuits, rusks or breadsticks. You can also offer fresh frozen vegetables or fruits like carrot, cucumber, apple as chewable soother. But if you are giving her frozen vegetables, fruits or oven-hardened bread, keep an eye on her as she can bite up lumps and choked on them.