5 Comprehensive Diet Tips For A Gym Workout


5 Comprehensive Diet Tips For A Gym Workout

Nutrition is one single factor of your health which is completely under your control and if you take care of this aspect judiciously, you can turn the tables in your favor well.  Eating right kind of foods in right amounts can double up your gym workout benefits.

It is important to eat at both times, pre and post workout as working out on an empty stomach can make you feel tired fast and eating very late after a workout can prove detrimental in muscle repair and maintenance after they endure wear and tear of exercises.

Diet Tips For A Gym Workout

Eat A Small Meal Before Hitting The Gym

If you are starting early in the morning, soon after waking up, then you need to replenish your body with nutrients and water as your body has worked tirelessly for last 7-8 hours without any fuel. Eat a small meal which consists of two – third portion of carbs and one third portion of proteins.

Eat A Small Meal Before Hitting The Gym

Eat mere complex carbohydrates as eating simple or refined carbs will spike up your insulin levels and then will crash sugar levels fast. You can eat something like a banana and a glass of skimmed milk, a whole wheat toast, a glass full of smoothie, etc. If you are starting after lunch or dinner, then you may not need to eat anything but make sure to drink a glass of water. If you plan to work out after 3 hours of your major meal then you can much on a handful of nuts or a fruit. Make sure to eat them an hour before hitting the gym. It will help in stabilizing your blood sugar levels.

Drink Up Some Water Before Exercising

It is important to stay hydrated throughout the day and prepare your body for perspiration by drinking up a glass of water before starting your workout.

Drink Up Some Water Before Exercising

If you work out early in the morning, then drinking a glass of water will hydrate your thirsty cells after their overnight duty and if you choose to exercise in the day sometime, then continue drinking water throughout the day. This way you will not get dehydrated.

Eat Healthy Foods Within Window Period

The next one hour after your workout is known as window period. At this time, the stress hormone, cortisol, rises up in the body and your body becomes susceptible to catching infections and ailments. Take care of yourself during this period by eating some nutritious foods.

Eat Healthy Foods Within Window Period

Eat Lean Proteins Post Workout

Your post workout meal should be high on lean proteins as the body requires the amino acids for recovering from the stress of the exercise and repair muscle tissues.

Eat Lean Proteins Post Workout

You should also include a small portion of complex carbs into your meal in order to replenish the lost glycogen from your body. Include foods like oats, low fat chocolate milk, whole wheat pasta, etc.

Avoid Supplements

Do not take supplements available on the counters of the medical shops because you find them attractive. The medical counters are full of glazed cans of whey powder, creatine, protein shakes and many more things. Try to eat natural foods in the most unprocessed form. If your hectic schedule does not allow you to eat peacefully, then consult your nutritionist about the best suitable supplements for your age and needs.

Avoid Supplements