24 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Lyme Disease

24 Effective Home Remedies To Treat  Lyme Disease

Lyme is a very serious skin disease that is caused due to the infection of bacteria. In this problem an infected tick gets attached to the body which develops skin rashes and cause acute weakness. The symptoms can take a few days to appear but they commonly include fever, chills, skin rashes, mood swings, panic attacks, joint pain, sleeping problems, bowel problems, exhaustion, inflammation etc. It is very essential to take all the necessary steps in order to cure the problem as any delay could result into serious consequences.

Here Are The Most Effective Home Remedies to Treat  Lyme Disease:

Green Tea

Several researches have proved that green tea is very effective in providing relief from inflammation caused due to lyme disease. The anti oxidants present in green tea are very effective in reducing the oxidative damage and promotes healing.

Green Tea


Turmeric is one of the best products to get relief from the symptoms of lyme disease. It helps in minimising the risk of oxidative damage and provides relief from inflammation as well.

Turmeric Powder


Since the disease is caused due to bacterial infection and the best way to treat the infection is by using garlic. Garlic possess powerful anti bacterial properties that help in preventing the infection. Consuming 3 to 4 garlic gloves provides relief from the inflammation and increases the immunity of the body to get relief.


Raw Milk

The healthy bacteria present in raw milk are very effective in providing relief from the symptoms of the problem. Therefore by including milk to your daily routine you get relief from the problem and its symptoms.


Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera juice helps in treating inflammation and reduces the symptoms of the problem. Not only this, regular consumption of aloe vera juice helps in the detoxification of body and helps in preventing the reoccurrence of the problem.

Consume Aloe Vera Juice

Fruits And Vegetables

Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables is a very powerful way to get relief from the problem of lyme disease. It helps in boosting the immunity of the body and reduces the problem of pain as well.

Fresh Fruits And Vegetables


Add licorice to your daily routine as the consumption of licorice helps in preventing the growth of infection causing bacteria and provides relief from the symptoms as well.

Licorice Root


Ginseng is known for the wonderful anti inflammatory effects therefore add ginseng to your daily routine in order to get relief from the problem of lyme disease.

Panax Ginseng


Echinacea is a very powerful herb that helps in that reduces the problem of inflammation and other symptoms caused due to lyme disease. Not only this, inclusion of Echinacea helps in increasing the production of white blood cells in the body which in turn promotes the immunity and prevents the reoccurrence of the problem.


Gingko Biloba

Use gingko biloba to get rid of the problem of inflammation and get relief from the symptoms lyme disease effectively.

Gingko Biloba

Vitamin C Rich Foods

Vitamin C rich food items are very useful for increasing the immunity of the body. Not only this, the anti oxidative properties also help in preventing the severity of the problem. Therefore you should include vitamin C rich foods to your daily routine. Include foods like orange, lemon, kiwi etc to your daily routine.

Vitamin C Rich Foods

Omega 3

Omega 3 helps in treating the symptoms of weakness and joint pain caused due to the problem of lyme disease. Therefore consume more walnuts, fish, beans etc to the diet plan to treat the problem.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Grape Fruit Juice

Grape fruits juice is very useful in getting relief from inflammation. It also helps in getting relief from weakness very effectively. Therefore include a glass of grape fruit juice to your daily routine to get the benefits.

Grape Fruit Juice

Flax Seeds Oil

In order to get rid of the symptoms lyme disease it is highly advisable to consume flax seed oil in order to get rid of all the symptoms and to improve the problem very effectively.

Flax Seeds Oil

Pine Apple

Pine apple contain bromelain which is a very useful anti inflammatory substance. It provides great relief from the problem of joint and muscle pain and reduces the problem of tiredness and weakness as well. Therefore you should consume pine apple in order to treat the problem.

Pineapple And Garlic

Primrose Oil

You can get relief from the problem of fatigue and tiredness by using primrose oil. Add it to your daily routine in order to treat the problem effectively.

Primrose Oil

Nettle Tea

The saponin content of nettle leaves are very effective in getting rid from the problem of pain, inflammation and joint stiffness. Therefore in order to get the benefits you should prepare a tea of nettle leaves and consume 2 to 3 times get relief.

Consume Nettle Tea

Butcher’s Broom

Butcher’s broom is very useful in getting relief from the problem of inflammation caused due to the problem of lyme disease. It is therefore highly recommended to add this wonderful herb to your daily routine in order to get relief.

Butcher’s Broom

Olive Oil

Olive oil helps the body to replenish from the harmful effects of lyme disease. It also helps in preventing the growth of infection causing bacteria. Therefore you should use olive oil to get relief from the problem of lyme disease symptoms.

Olive Oil


Onions helps in improving the immunity and prevents the reoccurrence of the problem. Therefore it is highly recommended to have onion daily to treat the problem effectively.


Pro Biotics

Pro biotics consumption is very helpful in the growth of healthy and beneficial bacteria that help the body to recover from the problem. Therefore include pro biotics to your daily routine to get the benefits.



The useful medical properties of ganoderma are very helpful in treating the problem of infection and treat all the symptoms of lyme disease very effectively.


Devil’s Claw

The analgesic properties of devil’s claw help in treating the problem of lyme disease. It provides relief from the problem of inflammation very effectively.

Devil’s Claw

White Willow

White willow is a natural pain reliever that provides relief from the problem of joint and muscle pain. Include a cup of white willow tea to your daily routine to treat the lyme disease problem.

White willow bark

Include all these home remedies to your daily routine and treat the serious problem of lyme disease effectively.