11 Natural Remedies To Relieve Headache


Natural Remedies To Relieve Headache

Although popping an over-the-counter pain relief tablet is the most popular way of treating a headache, you can also treat headache naturally without drugs. Dehydration is a common cause of headache. You may develop headache when you drink less water or drink too much coffee or alcohol that can dehydrate you. Hence, one of the easiest ways to heal headache naturally is to drink a glass of water. Instead of taking a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, you can take an anti-inflammatory spice or herb that can give you relief from headache fast.  If you are suffering from tension headache, salicin present in nuts can cure your headache. Migraine headache can be healed by drinking tea made with the herb feverfew. Visit the following link for other natural remedies to relieve headaches.

11 Natural Remedies To Relieve Headache


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