10 Kitchen Items For Treating Pain

10 Kitchen Items For Treating Pain

The problem of pain is very common is everyday life. A lot of people suffer from a number of health problems that result into inflammation and pain which are generally followed by swelling. Problems like tooth pain, ear pain, joint pain, muscle pain etc causes a lot of discomfort in daily life. Instead of going for the medical pain killers it is advisable to use.

The Following Kitchen Items In Order To Ease Down The Pain


Cloves are very useful in treating the problem of tooth pain. Tooth pain is mainly caused due the infection by bacteria and the useful anti bacterial properties of clove eliminates the bacteria and other useful properties reduce the pain. Therefore you should chew a few pieces of clove in order to get relief.


Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is very useful in treating a lot of pain like arthritis pain, joint pain, abdominal pain etc. The anti inflammatory properties present in apple cider vinegar are very effective and regular dosage of it can do wonders. Add some apple cider vinegar to water and consume everyday to get the benefits.

Apple Cider Vinegar


Turmeric is also a very useful kitchen product that can reduce the problem of joint pain. The active curcumin present in turmeric has anti inflammatory properties. Experts suggest consumption of a glass of turmeric milk every day in order to treat the pain effectively.


Olive oil

Olive oil is one of the most widely used kitchen product and it is very effective in getting relief from ear pain. Ear wax is the main reason that causes ear pain and in order to get relief from wax you have to put a few drops of warm olive oil in your ear which will help in removing the wax easily and will reduce the pain ultimately.

Olive Oil

Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds are very useful for women in getting relief from the pain caused during the menstrual days. All you need is to add some fennel seeds to water and boil them for 5 t o 10 minutes. Cool down the mixture and consume 3 to 4 times in a day to get relief.



Asafetida is very useful in getting relief from all the stomach and digestive problems. The rich anti inflammatory properties reduce the pain very effectively. It provides relief form gas, bloating, bowel problems and stomach pain very effectively. Just mix some asafetida powder and salt to warm water and consume the mixture 3 to 4 times in a day to get the benefits.



Ginger also contains a lot of anti inflammatory properties that are very useful in getting relief from throat pain, chest pain etc. You have to chew a few pieces of ginger each and every day in order to get the active gingerols which will provide relief from the problems.


Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil is used widely as a very effective remedy to treat the head ache problem. The cooling and soothing properties of peppermint oil provides immense relief. Alternatively you can also prepare peppermint tea by boiling peppermint leaves in water. Drink this tea 2 to3 times in a day to get the benefits.

Peppermint Oil


Salt is perhaps the most widely used kitchen item. It is used in each and every dish and is also very effective to get relief from the problem of muscle and foot pain. You have to mix some salt to hot water and soak the affected parts in it for about 10 to 15 minutes. This remedy reduces the pain and swelling very effectively.



Honey is rich in anti bacterial and anti inflammatory properties that are very useful in treating a lot of problems. Honey is very useful in treating the pain caused due to mouth ulcers and provides relief from acidity and abdominal pain as well.


Use the simple products in order to get relief from all the pain problems.