10 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Onion Breath

10 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Onion Breath

Onions are used in various types of delicious dishes. It is mainly used for its strong essence and properties that will provide a perfect cuisine. Onions contain one bad effects and that is bad odor generating from the mouth. People who generally consume raw onions in their diet suffer from problems such as onion breath. This breath is very humiliating and thus need to be removed by using best kinds of methods. Onions are rich in sulfur and this lead to the generation of bad smell. It is a very normal problem and can be cured at home. Best types of home remedies can be helpful to avoid the foul odor and provide refreshing sensation.

Here Are Some Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Onion Breath:


Lemons are very effective to cure the problem of onion breath. The acidic nature of lemon juice will reduce the bad odor and provide good sensation. It is also rich in anti bacterial properties. The bad breath is caused due to bacteria in the mouth. Extract some pure lemon juice and rinse the mouth with this juice. It is very effective to cure the odor issue.



Apples are used as one of the best home remedy to treat the problem of onion breath. The bad odor coming from the mouth can be handled by the consumption of apples. It mainly contains natural enzymes that will help to get rid of bad odor. Apple juice can also be used to treat the bad onion breath problem. It will provide sudden results.



Milk contains huge numbers of vitamins and minerals. The enzymes present in milk will help to remove the bad breath coming from mouth. The onion breath is due to presence of sulfur in onion. Milk will help to neutralize the effect and provide best results. People suffering from onion breath can drink some milk after the meals to get its benefits.



Cardamom is generally used as mouth freshener due to the presence of essential compounds in it. The problem of onion breath can be easily treated with cardamoms. Take few cardamoms and try chewing it properly to consume the juice coming from it. Tea made with cardamom can also be used to get rid of the bad odor coming after eating onions.


Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has some best qualities to handle bad odor in the mouth. It is very effective to cure the problem of onion breath. Apple cider vinegar is acidic in nature and will thus help to remove all bacteria causing this foul smell. Use this vinegar for gargle the mouth and remove the bad onion breath. Use pure apple cider vinegar or dilute it with water.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Baking Soda

Baking soda is actually used to maintain the level of pH of the body. Bacterial infections grow when the pH is not maintained. Thus the bad onion breath can be cured by maintaining pH level in the mouth. Take some baking soda and add warm water in it. Rinse the mouth with this solution and avoid the formation of bacterial infections.

Baking Soda

Green Tea

Green tea is very effective to cure various types of problem in human body. The antioxidants present in green tea will help to cure onion breath. It also contains polyphenols that can also treat the bad odor problem. Prepare some hot green tea and sip this tea slowly to get its benefits. Honey can be added to green tea for increasing its benefits.

Use Of Green Tea


Mustard seeds are very strong in essence and can thus cure the problem of onion breath. These seeds are used to prepare wide number of dishes. People who want to get rid of the bad breath caused due to consumption of onions can use mustard in various forms. Use some mustard seeds to prepare paste and rinse mouth with this paste. Wash the mouth with water.

Mustard seeds


Mint leaves that are used to prepare few food items can be used as home remedy to cure onion breath problem. It is actually used as a refreshing agent in the mouth. It can be consumed in various manners. Take some mint leaves and boil it in water. Strain the liquid and add honey to it. Drink this tea to get rid of the bad breath from onions.

mint leaves


Water is used as the best natural form of remedy to cure the issue of onion breath. Drink sufficient water to increase saliva in the mouth, which in turn will help to remove all bacteria. These bacteria mainly cause bad breath. Dirking water on regular basis will help curing the problem of onion breath. Water along with citrus fruit juice can also be consumed for desired results.

Drink Water