10 Herbal Remedies For Herpes


Human beings are blessed with proper level of immunity that helps the body to stay away from foreign agents that cause infections. Poor kind of immunity in the body leads to generation of various types of infections and other health issues. Herpes is a type of infection that is caused due to the virus known as simplex virus. The condition of herpes is very pathetic as it leads to itchy and painful situation. This kind of skin problem can affect both men and women. It is a very contagious type of skin infection that can spread by touching others. People who are suffering from this problem must use herbal remedies to take care of it. Herbal remedies are perfect solution to this problem as the results are guaranteed and there are no side effects.

List Of 10 Herbal Remedies For Herpes


Echinacea is a type of medicinal plant that can be used to remove herpes infection from the body. It has good amount of antiviral properties that will fight with the virus and provide best kinds of results. Use of this herb will boost the immune system and thus will not allow the infection to sustain in the body. The flowers, roots and leaves can be used to cure herpes.


Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an herbal medicine that can deal with herpes problem. Tea tree oil is extracted in a natural way and this oil will help the infection from the skin. Take some tea tree oil and pour some of this oil directly on the herpes affecting skin part to provide relief. It will help to remove the viral infection in few days.

Tea Tree Oil

Licorice Roots

Licorice roots are also helpful to combat the herpes causing virus. The infection that is caused due to herpes is mainly because of virus. The roots of licorice will reduce the infections and provide relief from the pain and itching property. Extract the juice from licorice roots and use it to deal with the virus problem.


Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a perfect type of herb that can help to cure herpes problem. The gel that is present in aloe Vera is of great use and can help to reduce the effect of viral infection. Apply some of this gel on the affected skin parts and allow it to dry. This will help to remove itching sensation and cure it properly.

Aloe Vera


Oregano is used to extract its oil and that can be applied on the herpes affected skin zone. The oil of oregano contains antiviral properties that will help to recover the problem of herpes. Simply apply the pure oregano oil on the herpes and allow the oil to dry on the skin. Continuous apply of this oil will help to remove virus infections from the skin.


Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is also very effective to take care of the viral infections. The flavonoids that are present in lemon balm will help cure the problem. It also has other ingredients such as rosmarinic acid and phenolic acid. Lemon balm leaves are of great use and you can use the juice extracted from the leaves. It will cure the herpes problem and remove all sorts of infections formed on the skin.

Lemon Balm


Chamomile flowers are good type of herbal flowers that can help to clear the problem of herpes. These flowers are loaded with good antiviral properties and can help to reduce the effect of herpes. All kinds of related symptoms are also cured by use of chamomile flowers. Boil some of these flowers in water and wash the infected area with this solution.



Goldenseal is used to treat herpes and the virus infection that has infected the skin. Take some powder version of goldenseal and make paste from it. Apply this paste on the herpes affected skin and allow it to dry for some time. You can use the other version of this herb such as tincture and pills.


Olive Oil

Olive oil will provide moisturizing effect to the skin. The antioxidants that are present in the olive oil will help to remove the viral infections. Take some virgin olive oil and then warm it slightly. Apply the same oil to the herpes infected skin part to get relief from itching sensation. The growth of infection is also retarded.

Olive Oil


Elderberry is an herbal method to take care of the herpes problem. The antioxidants that are present in elderberry will help to remove the infection causing agents from the skin. The antiviral properties present in elderberry will cure the problem and make the skin herpes free.
