Fortifying Your Memory With Vitamins
Good nutrition is crucial for our physical, mental and emotional health. Nutritional deficiencies not only affect our body but also our brain function and memory capacity. Our brain performs loads of function and as a result, needs constant supply of oxygen and nutrients all the time. Studies have shown that several essential vitamins are important for brain development.Specific vitamins can enhance the memory power by improving the health of the nerves and blood vessels. Due to illness and aging, memory loss is quite obvious in some individuals, but vitamins can delay the progression of memory loss by increasing the blood flow to the brain and nourishing the structure of the nerves. Deficiency of vitamins often leads to illness like Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

How To Fortifying Your Memory With Vitamins

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Memory

Omega-3 Fatty Acids For Fortifying Memory
Omega-3 fatty acids contain DHA and EPA that can stimulate brain function and enhance memory. Some studies suggest that taking omega-3 supplements or higher intake of omega-3 rich foods like cold water fish, nuts and plant oil can lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A Helps In Memory
Vitamin A is essential for the efficient working of the central nervous system. Some researches have found that vitamin A improves learning skills and enhances memory by stimulating the brain cells.

Role of B Vitamins For Improving Memory

B Vitamins For Improving Memory
B vitamins particularly Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is essential for producing and releasing of neurotransmitters that transmit signals to the brain and help in proper functioning of the brain like concentration, memory retention and overall brain function. Deficiency of vitamin B-6 can lead to poor concentration and even short term memory loss, muscle weakness, depression, mood swings and irritability. The food sources that can provide vitamin B-6 are dairy products, meat, seafood, lentils, spinach, carrot, whole grains seeds and wheat germ etc.

Vitamin B-9

Vitamin B-9 For Improving Memory
Vitamin B9 or folic acid is needed for the production of red blood cells, which contributes to memory retention and concentration.

Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B-12 is a very important nutrient for maintaining nerve function and red blood cell function. It protects the brain from shrinking. Deficiency of vitamin B-12 can lead to memory loss, fatigue, anemia and loss of appetite. The dietary sources of vitamin B-12 are seafood, meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products. Older people can have difficulty in absorbing Vitamin B -12 from food and should take supplements or vitamin B-12 fortified foods after consulting their physician.You can consume B-complex vitamin supplements containing vitamin B-6, B 1, B-12 and folic acid. B-vitamins are water soluble vitamins and are essential for the development of the brain.

Vitamin B-12 Helps In Memory

Vitamin E

Taking a daily dose of vitamin E can prevent age related memory loss. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble, powerful antioxidant that cleanses the environmental toxins accumulated in you body, which decreases the memory and concentration. This nutrient also helps to maintain the nerves that transmits signal to the brain and help protect the nerve cell from damage. The dietary sources of vitamin E are green leafy vegetables, eggs, nuts and vegetable oils.

Vitamin E Helps In Memory

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is needed for collagen production that keeps the walls of the blood vessels elastic and supple, which enhances the blood circulation to the brain. Proper circulation helps the brain to enhance memory and mental health. To improve attention and memory, your brain needs to function well. Fortifying your brain with vitamins is necessary to optimize the brain’s ability and reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, regardless of your age.

Vitamin C For Improving Memory