5 Top Vitamins For A Healthy Pregnancy

Diet plays a very important role in the health of the mother and the baby during pregnancy and therefore it is very important for a pregnant lady to take a balanced diet every day. The growth of the baby inside the womb is directly dependent on the vitamins and the other nutrients that are taken by the mother in her daily diet. The best diet during pregnancy is one that constitutes of all the necessary nutrients that are needed by the baby and the mother in order to remain in good health.


Normal functioning of the body of a pregnant woman and the fetal development in a normal manner is brought about by the vitamins for a healthy pregnancy and they are as follows:

Vitamins For A Healthy Pregnancy

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is considered to be one of the most vital vitamins for a healthy pregnancy and is said to aid specifically in eye health of the mother. It also speeds up the healing process after the birth of the baby and women who do not get adequate amounts of vitamin A in their daily diet are said to suffer from morning sickness while they are in the first trimester of their pregnancy.

Vitamin A

Folic Acid

Folic acid is an essential nutrient that requires being there in the daily diet of a pregnant woman because it helps in the growth of red blood cells in the mother’s body which is considered to be one of the most important parts of a healthy pregnancy.The other metabolic processes of the body are also supported by the intake of folic acid. Serious abnormalities during pregnancy such as a defect in the spine and the brain can be avoided by the intake of this vitamin.

Folic Acid

Vitamin C

Any kind of illness during the nine months of pregnancy can be cured by the intake of vitamin C which is found to improvise the functioning of the immune system of the mother. Elasticity is increased and the healing process is also speeded up with the help of vitamin C and this is of great benefit for the mother during labor, postpartum and pregnancy. The collagen that is considered to be very essential for the growth of the baby is not produced if the mother suffers from vitamin C deficiency.

Vitamin C

Vitamin D

The autoimmune conditions of the body during pregnancy can be reduced to a great extent by the intake of vitamin D. The health of the baby and the mother can be kept in good condition with the help of vitamin D that is required to be included in the daily diet of the mother during pregnancy.

Vitamin D

Vitamin B Complex

The B group vitamin that includes vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B5, B7 and B12 are considered to be very important for the metabolism of the body and at the same time they help in the normal functioning of the nervous system of the mother.

Several kinds of viruses, bacteria and other antibodies that attack the health and the body of a woman can be avoided by the intake of B group vitamins that are found in eggs, rice, cereals, dairy products, vegetables and fruits and are considered to be the most effective and helpful vitamins for a healthy pregnancy.

Vitamin B Complex