5 Top Home Remedies For Yellow Teeth


home remedies for Yellow Teeth Having yellow teeth can be very disgraceful. Imagine yourself going out for a party or a date. It is obvious that you will smile and laugh. People around you will notice your yellow teeth and it will surely turn them off.

You may have a pleasant personality or you may be the most attractive person on Planet Earth but if you have yellow teeth then nobody would ever want to kiss you or be around you. It is time that you should do something to get rid of yellow teeth! You do not have to go to a dentist or spend lots of money on a teeth whitening treatment. We have a cure! Any guesses?

How about going for top home remedies for yellow teeth? Home remedies are excellent in many ways. They do not cost you a fortune and they are available at home too. If you look inside your kitchen, you will find that there are several home remedies for yellow teeth around you. You can easily get white teeth! How? Just follow these easy home remedies because they are going to help you to get rid of yellow teeth easily. The home remedies are natural and do not have any side effects.

Useful Home Remedies For Yellow Teeth

Baking Soda

Baking Soda For Yellow Teeth Baking soda is an excellent home remedy for yellow teeth. It is basically used for making cakes and breads fluffy but they have other benefits too. Baking soda is one home remedy which can cure many ailments and health problems. It can help you get rid of yellow teeth too!

All you would need to do is gargle with baking soda water. Just mix a little bit of baking soda in a glass of water and gargle with this solution. Make sure the water is not too hot but a little warm. Once you are done with gargling, just rub your teeth with your fingers. Rinse your mouth with plain water and you are done. This can be very effective!

Orange Peel

Orange Peel For Yellow Teeth Usually people throw away the orange peel but they have no idea about the benefits of it. Orange peel can give you dazzling skin as well as white teeth. You would need to massage your teeth with orange peel. Use the white side of the orange peel to massage your teeth. Do it gently so that you do not get any bruise in your mouth. Orange peels have calcium and Vitamin C which helps in getting rid of yellow teeth. It also helps in making your teeth strong and healthy.


Salt For Yellow Teeth These days you will see toothpastes having salt in them. Salt helps in getting rid of sensitive teeth. If you want to turn your yellow teeth into white teeth then salt is the best remedy. Use some salt while you are brushing your teeth because that will help you a lot. Salt is a little rough and it could cause some damage in your mouth. It is always best to mix salt with some water and baking soda to get rid of yellow teeth. Do not use salt alone!


Strawberries For Yellow Teeth Strawberries are really tasty and we are sure that you would not mind curing yellow teeth with it. It helps in keeping your teeth healthy and it has a natural whitening agent too. The chemicals present in strawberries are normal and they help in whitening your teeth. All you need to do is rub the strawberry fruit on your teeth. You can also make a strawberry paste and use it just like you use a toothpaste. However do rinse you mouth after using strawberries because they can cause tooth decay.

Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice For Yellow Teeth You can rub your teeth with lemon juice or gargle with it. Lemon juice helps in lightening your skin and whitening your teeth. You should use lemon juice on a daily basis to treat yellow teeth. You can also mix lemon lemon and salt in order to get rid of yellow teeth. Yellow teeth is not at all pleasant and if you want to get rid of it naturally then lemon juice will help you. Make sure that you scrub your teeth with lemon juice. This will surely work for you!

Yellow teeth is not healthy and does not look great. You can use these easy home remedies to treat yellow teeth. It is time one should stop depending on dentists and doctors for everything. Home remedies can cure almost anything in this world! So, say a big goodbye to yellow teeth as these home remedies work for all. Take care of your teeth!