5 Top Home Remedies For Bed Sores


Home Remedies For Bed Sores Bed sores, as the name implicates, is a painful condition caused due to immense pressure on the skin. Otherwise known as decubitus ulcers or pressure sores, bed sores generally develops in area over a bone or cartilage structure in the body. This condition mainly occurs in patients who are bed-ridden, without much movement.

People who are paralyzed, handicapped, wheel chair users, in coma state, severe injury victims, elderly and diabetics are at greater risk of developing this conditionStaying in one position for a longer period is one of the major causes of bed sores. Due to the pressure experienced thus, the oxygen and nutrients supply to that area is restricted resulting in small clot formation. If unattended, it will burst and become painful lesions leading to infection.

One of the primary symptoms of bed sores is skin reddening. A swelling or hardening of the skin surface is also a warning sign of a sore.Bed sores generally develops in area over a bone or cartilage structure in the body such as lower back, elbows, heels, buttocks and hips. Here are a few home remedies that can work great for treating sores safely.

Top Home Remedies For Bed Sores

Honey For Bed Sores

Honey For Bed Sores One tablespoon of honey and equal mix of rhubarb or beet juice needs to be mixed thoroughly. Once you apply it on the sores, cover it with a clean white cloth or bandage. Repeat it for a few days. This is an effective cure for the lesions.A mixture made of honey and sugar can also be applied to the wound. The antibacterial and high osmotic properties due to this sweet mixture will inhibit microbial growth and speed up the healing process.

Hazel and Turmeric Root

Hazel And Turmeric Root For Bed Sores Pain from the sores can be intolerable sometimes. You can wash the sores with hazel and turmeric root at least three times a day for reducing pain and itching from the sores.

Healing Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera For Bed Sores Aloe Vera is a great medicine for treating wounds. The carbohydrate, ‘pectin’ found in Aloe Vera helps in fast healing. Clean the sore surface with warm water and apply the aloe gel daily for quick relief.

Massage to Cure Bed Sores

Massage For Bed Sores Relief Massage is one effective way to improve blood circulation in the body. Gently massage the area around the sores using Vitamin E oil for an effective result.Along with the external applications, if the healing has to be complete, eating a Vitamin rich diet is very important to cure bed sores.Vitamin A, B, C and E are vital in preventing bed sores. Avoid the intake of meat or any junk foods. Drink enough water to keep body hydrated. Change the body position of the patient every few hours and ensure that the body is dry.

Wheat Germ Oil

Wheat Germ Oil For Bed Sores Relief Wash the wound with lukewarm water. Remove water using cotton and then apply wheat germ oil to the sore. Wheat germ oil is rich in Vitamin E, a natural antioxidant and squalane, a natural bactericide with great healing properties.

5 Top Home Remedies For Bed Sores