Top Drugs And Medications To Treat Bruises

Bruises You can have bruises due to falling from the bike, banging the body on a table or a wall and many other situations that cause injury. Damage to the small blood vessels when the skin receives a blow leads to leakage of blood and the affected area becomes raised and bumpy. This causes the bruise. When blood leaks outside the skin, the affected area can become purple in color.

Bruise is also called contusion. Proper treatment is needed to relive pain caused by the bruise. Analgesics are used for the treatment of bruise. These analgesics can be narcotic or they can be non-narcotic. Some drugs and medications to treat bruises are as follows.

Drugs And Medications To Treat Bruises


Acetaminophen is used to treat bruise. The medicine helps in decreasing pain and fever caused by bruise. Take the medicine according to the doctor’s prescription. Take the exact dose as prescribed, without increasing or decreasing the dose on your own. If you take the medicine more than the amount prescribed, it can cause liver damage and even death. Use pediatric acetaminophen for treating bruises in children.


If you are using the chewable tablet of acetaminophen, chew and swallow it. If you are using liquid form of the medicine, shake it and use it. The medicine can cause some side effects like nausea, loss of appetite, jaundice, skin reaction, dark urine and symptoms of allergic reaction.


Indocin is used to treat bruises. The medicine is a NSAID drug, which decreases hormones responsible for causing pain and inflammation due to bruise. Take the medicine as prescribed by the doctor. Take the medicine along with food as it helps in preventing stomach upset. You can take the medicine with milk. Swallow the medicine. Avoid crushing and breaking the medicine. If you are using the liquid form of Indocin, take it after shaking it.

Avoid taking alcohol when you are using this medicine. The medicine can cause some side effects like vision problems, swelling, less urination, chest pain, sore throat, nausea, jaundice, tingling, numbness, weakness, bloody stools, rapid weight gain and fever.


Ibuprofen is used to treat bruises. The medicine is a NSAID drug, which helps in decreasing pain and inflammation caused by bruises. Take the medicine according to the doctor’s prescription. Do not increase or decrease the medicine dose on your own. If you take the medicine in excess dose, it can cause harm to stomach and intestine. Adults should take maximum 3200 mg of ibuprofen per day divided in four doses of 800 mg each.


Take the medicine with food. The medicine is available in chewable form and the liquid form. The medicine can cause side effects like weakness, swelling, nausea, less urination, chest pain, stomach pain, fever, tingling, numbness, shortness of breath and sore throat.


Vicodin is used to treat bruises. The medicine is a narcotic analgesic. The medicine is a combination of two pain killer medicines hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Vicodin helps in treating pain that is moderate as well as severe. Take the medicine according to the doctor’s prescription. The medicine can cause constipation so drink eight glasses of water to prevent this problem. Store the medicine in a place that is protected from heat as well as moisture. People who take alcohol and tranquilizers should not use Vicodin.

The medicine is also not suitable for people who use sedatives and narcotic medicines. Vicodin can cause some side effects like slow heartbeat, light-headedness, drowsiness, headache, itching, confusion, bruising, bleeding, jaundice, unusual behavior, stomach pain and seizures.