Top 6 Sandalwood Remedies For Your Skin

Top 6 Sandalwood Remedies For Your Skin

Sandalwood benefits for skin are numerous. It has been a secret beauty ingredient for years. Sandalwood benefits are simple and affordable. It is also easy to use. Sandalwood has skin nourishing and skin healing properties. Sandalwood is effective especially for marks removal, skin toning, soothing acne, rashes, and blemishes. It also has the ability extract the extra oil from your skin.

Here Are Few Remedies Which Will Help You To Get A Clear And Healthy Skin.

1. Sandalwood For Dry Skin

Sandalwood with rose water and milk helps repair the natural pH balance of the skin. It removes signs of dryness. Take 1 teaspoon of milk powder in a container and add 2 to 3 drops of sandalwood oil into it. Then add some rose water according to the requirement to form a smooth paste.  Apply this paste evenly on your face and leave it to dry for around 20 minutes. Wash off your face with plain water. Then apply a regular moisturizer. For optimum result use this face pack 3 days a week.

 Sandalwood For Dry Skin

2. Sandalwood For Oily Skin

Tomato helps cleaning the dirt and oil. Tomato helps penetrate deep into the skin. It also helps to remove blackheads. Take half teaspoon of sandalwood powder in a container and add a half teaspoon of tomato juice into it. Mix well so that no lumps form. Add a half teaspoon of fuller’s earth into it and mix well.  Add a few drops of rose water to get the optimum consistency.  Apply the paste on the face and leave to dry for 20 minutes.  Let a cotton ball dip in ice cold water and then use it to remove the mask.

 Sandalwood For Oily Skin

3. Sandalwood For Wrinkles

Sandalwood has the property to help repair damaged cells. It makes your skin look younger. In a bowl mix 1 and a half teaspoons of sandalwood powder and 2 teaspoons of fuller’s earth. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of rose water to the dry mixture. Mix properly and form a smooth paste.  Apply it evenly on the face. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with plain water.

Sandalwood For Wrinkles

4. Sandalwood For Acne Prone Skin

Many people have a misconception that it is the oily skin which is acne prone but the reality is even dry skin can be acne prone too. Mix 1 teaspoon sandalwood powder, 1 teaspoon turmeric powder and a little bit of camphor powder together.  Then add some water as required into that dry mixture to form a paste. Apply the paste evenly on your face and leave on for 20 minutes. Then Wash it off with cold water.

Sandalwood For Acne Prone Skin

5. Sandalwood For Dull Skin

With everyday pollution, our skin easily loses its natural glow and the skin looks dull. Sandalwood has the anti-tanning property which helps you to give your skin the fresh look. Take half teaspoon of sandalwood powder and 7 to 8 drops of sandalwood oil and mix it with 1 and a half teaspoons of gram flour. Add a few drops of rose water and a little bit of turmeric powder into it and then blend properly so that no lumps form. Apply the mask on the face and leave it to dry for half an hour. Then wash your skin using water. You can use this face mask everyday to have bright skin.

Sandalwood For Dull Skin

6. Sandalwood For Blemishes

Sandalwood can do wonder to your skin. It helps to even out your skin tone and helps to lighten blemishes.Take 1 tablespoon of sandalwood powder and add some rose water into it to make a smooth paste. Apply the paste on your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with plain water. Sandalwood is a solution to almost all types of skin problems. It is the best natural way to have a healthy skin to the people with all skin types. Try the above-explained remedies and write back to us about your experience.

Sandalwood For Blemishes