Top 5 Home Remedies For Atelectasis


Top 5 Home Remedies For Atelectasis

Atelectasis is the condition in which the normal functioning of lungs may be interrupted. Lung is one of the most important organs of the body, which helps in the exchange of gases. It will facilitate the inhalation of oxygen and exhalation of carbon-dioxide, thus helping out in the function of respiration.

This condition is not a disease in itself, but the result of other undesirable changes happening in the body. This may occur due to infection, injury or even due to tumors. There are many numbers of causes identified, but no particular reason could be stated as the reason for its occurrence.

Home Remedies For Atelectasis

Basil Leaves To Remove Mucus

Basil leaves are known for many of its medicinal properties. It is also being increasingly added to many of the modern day food items. The leaves can also be consumed as such without any cooking.

Basil Leaves To Remove Mucus

It is found to be very effective in removing mucus, which may be one of the reasons for congestion. On removal of mucus from lungs, the breathing function of lungs will be enhanced. Tough Atelectasis is not just like other common ailments, you can get at least some relief by consuming basil leaves continuously for a few days.

Inhale Strong Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus is another boon of Mother Nature to the mankind. If it is used in the right way, it can cure a wide range of respiratory ailments. Make sure that the eucalyptus oil that you get is pure, or else you cannot get any immediate remedy.

Inhale Strong Eucalyptus Oil

You can rub some amount of the oil in the chest. You can also add it to the boiling water and inhale the vapor. This home treatment is found to be effective for lung diseases.

Garlic With Milk To Heal The Lungs

Garlic has anti-inflammatory as well as antibiotic properties, which can be made use of in healing the lungs. Make a fine paste of garlic and mix it with hot milk. Though it may not taste very good, this is found to be one of the best healing elements.

Garlic With Milk To Heal The Lungs

Strengthen Lungs With Dried Figs

Dried figs are good to strengthen the immune system and help you at a bay from a number of infections. Consume at least 3 to 4 dried figs every day in the mornings.

Strengthen Lungs With Dried Figs

This has to be followed regularly for best results. It is found that the dried figs can strengthen the lung functioning.

Camphor To Relieve Congestion

Camphor, which is generally ignored from the medical arena, is one of the best home remedies to treat atelectasis. There are many adulterated products available these days, so take care in choosing an unadulterated product.

Camphor To Relieve Congestion

This can be mixed with water and rubbed at the back and also on the chest. This is found to provide immediate results. These are some of the simple ways in which you can get immediate and temporary relief. But, atelectasis is generally not a problem in itself, and it may be an indicator of something else going wrong in the body. So, it is always better to consult a physician to identify what exactly is the problem.