
Top 5 Herbal Remedies For Sports Injuries

Sports enthusiasts are the most prone to injuries while indulging in the various physically taxing activities. At the same time, these people find it more difficult to remain out of action when they are recuperating from a sports injury. Most of the times the doctor’s advice is to rest the affected body part till the injury gets healed and this time can be quite taxing for a person who is used to action.

Sports Injuries

Another problem is that the pain killers, antibiotics etc. prescribed by practitioners of modern medicine have their own harmful side effects, but there are some herbal remedies for sports injuries that can quicken the healing process and alleviate the need for modern medicine.

Best Herbal Remedies For Sports Injuries


Parsley is a great tasting herb and also has many medicinal properties. Relevant to sports injuries is its ability to shrink smaller blood vessels. This is especially beneficial if you have bruised yourself during a little rough action. Take a handful of the herb, crush it and apply this paste on the affected area. Try this remedy twice a day and keep doing it till the blue-black marks of the bruise disappear.



If you have twisted your ankle or have an abrasion, it will be a good idea to pick up some cabbage from the supermarket. Cabbage was extensively used by the Romans as a natural remedy for a number of ailments.

The consumption of cabbage has varied health benefits and apart from this, the humble vegetable is rich in Vitamin C and sulfur due to which it is one of the best herbal remedies for sports injuries. Sulfur prevents the wounds from getting infected and vitamin C helps quicken the healing process.



Ginger is a wonder root used in the treatment of various ailments. It is also useful for sports injuries because of its property that increases blood flow and perspiration.

The increase in circulation and perspiration help in eliminating the excess lactic acid that builds up in overworked muscles, making you feel sore and stiff. The best way to use ginger as herbal remedies for sports injuries is to add a fistful of ginger powder to your bath water and soak in it for at least 20 minutes.


Calendula, Rosemary And Juniper Berries

Take these herbs in equal amounts and wrap them in a washcloth. Tie the washcloth into a bundle and add it to your bath tub as you fill it with hot water. Allow the herbs to steep in the hot water and allow the water to cool down to a comfortable temperature.

Soak in this bath water for as long as you find the temperature of the water comfortable. This is one of the herbal remedies for sports injuries like muscle soreness and should be repeated everyday till the soreness goes away.

Calendula, Rosemary And Juniper Berries

Filipendula Almaria

This herb is a natural pain killer and since most sports injuries are painful, it will be a good idea to use this herb instead of allopathic pain killers. However, you should keep in mind that to know the right dosage, you will need to consult a professional herbalist.

Filipendula Almaria