A chronic disorder that causes pain, tenderness and stiffness of joints, muscles and tendons. It is seen most commonly in women (35-55 years of age) but it can also occur in men, adults and children. Headaches, restless sleep, anxiety, depression, sensitivity to cold or heat, weight gain, problem with vision are some of the symptoms of fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia can be due to repetitive injuries, problems of central nervous system, trauma etc. 5 herbal remedies to prevent fibromyalgia are as follows:
Herbal Remedies For Fibromyalgia
Take some cayenne pepper (4 tablespoons) and 1 cup of olive oil. Heat them and mix them well. Then stir them and pour it into a clean jar.After this add some methanol crystals while it is still warm and also add some peppermint essential oil when cooled. Have this 2-3 times every day.
Take a small ginger root, then cut the root into small pieces and place the pieces in a small cup of water (boiling). Let it steep for 10 minutes, then strain it and add it to bath water and then take a shower with it. You can also add 6 drops of rosemary to the solution. Do this at least 2-3 times every day.You can also make ginger tea and have it. Take some finely chopped ginger root in 1 cup of water (warm) and then boil it and drink the tea 3-4 times every day. You can also use ginger oil along with olive oil and massage your body.
Massage your body with rosemary oil in the morning and lavender oil in the evening very day. Take some lavender oil (5-6 drops) in a cotton ball and then apply it on your body and massage well. Take some peppermint oil and mix it well with some olive oil in a bowl.Then apply this mixture using cotton balls on your entire body and massage well. Do this 2-3 times every day. Using chamomile oil along with ginger, almond and black pepper oil for massaging your body is also great. Eucalyptus and clove oils can also be applied on the body and massaged well for good results.
Black Walnut
Take some black walnut powder, add the powder (1 teaspoon) to water (4 cups), heat it and then mix them well. After that pour this mixture in a large bowl or mug, and then soak the affected part in the solution for at least 10 minutes. Do it 2 times every day.
If you use black walnut tincture, then just apply 5-7 drops on the affected area and allow it to dry. You should do this at least 3 times every day to get good result. So getting rid of fibromyalgia is not that difficult and by following the above 5 herbal remedies you can easily get good results within a very short time.
Add turmeric to your daily diet by including turmeric powder in your cooking. Turmeric is also available in powder-containing capsules (300mg, 3 times/day).Have 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder with a glass of warm water or milk every day. You can also have turmeric along with olive oil.