
Top 5 Drugs And Medications To Treat Tinea Versicolor


A very common skin problem prevalent these days is that of Tinea versicolor. This problem is characterized by a rash on the proximal extremities of skin. This leads to strange rashes and spots all over the body. Skin gets tanned and colour of skin affected parts often turns pink due to mild itch. The spots are generally prevalent in the back, underarm, forearm etc.

Tinea Versicolor

Many recent studies have concluded that this occurs due to the actions of fungus and yeast. Since the harmful effects are so pronounced, it is important for someone suffering from this problem to consult a doctor and receive the proper medication. Here are the top five prescribed medications and drugs used in Tinea versicolor:

Drugs And Medications To Treat Tinea Versicolor


It is an anti-fungal medicine. Since Tinea versicolor is essentially caused by fungi, this medicine is very effective. It prevents certain type of fungal and yeast infections. The medicine is prescribed by most of the doctors depending upon the severity of the infection.Generally, the dosage stands at 200mg tablets for seven days. The efficacy of the medicine is considered to be quite high. However, before getting a prescription of this problem, the doctor needs to know if the patient has had diseases related to kidney or heart.



Ketoconazole is essentially a dermatologist’s primary choice. It is also an anti-fungal medicine and has varied usages. This medicine inhibits the enzyme cytochrome P450 which is significantly responsible for Tinea versicolor. It is a single usage medicine of strength 400mg.

A proper physician must be consulted before taking this medicine as it has a very strong dose. The medicine has a power of 400mg and a single time usage is often sufficient if the problem is rudimentary. However, if a person consumes alcohol and has had liver problems, this might not be the ideal medicine for him. Hence a proper consultation is very important.



Sporanox is also an anti-fungal medicine of the same class as the ones described previously. It prevents the growth of several kinds of fungi by preventing the production of membranes that surround the fungal cells.The usual dosage of the medicine is 200-400 mg per day. The capsules are advised to be taken after a full meal only as food helps in absorption.



It is an oral drug which lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood. It blocks the formation of cholesterol in the liver by blocking the causing enzyme. Increased level of cholesterol is also a major reason why Tinea versicolor occurs.It is a relatively low power medicine having a dosage of 80 mg daily. It can be taken with or without food as the general prescription involves very low-powered medications.



Loprox is a cream medicine and is a very commonly prescribed drug for dermal problems. It is to be massaged gently twice every day on the affected areas, in the morning and the evening. Patients suffering from Tinea versicolor have been observed to show improvements in less than 2 weeks.However, if a patient does not show significant improvement in four weeks, re-diagnosis must take place and clinical medications of high power must be provided. Tinea versicolor is not something to be feared. With just the right amount of medication and care, it can be fully cured.
